I am a very lucky girl, as I am married to the most amazing man, he is intelligent, loving, supportive, Ok I’ll stop, I know, I am always banging on about how great he is, but I am lucky and I would never take that for granted, but to add to my Husbands list of amazingness, he is also an amazing cook, a bloody natural, because he is good at everything he does.
Anyway enough said about wonderful Hubby, and yes I did hear you all sigh with relief, but I just wanted to tell you about the yummy breakfast he has made for me. It all started with French Toast and Strawberries, then on to Nigella’s Doughnut French Toast, all amazingly good, but now he has surpassed himself and cooked me Tessa Kiros’s Fried Custard Squares. I hate to think about the calories, but served with fresh raspberries you can at least try and convince yourself that you are being good by getting one of your five a day. They are out of this World.
It’s a fiddly dish and he was so sweet by making the custard the night before and leaving it to set in the fridge overnight, next morning I sat on the decking with a fresh espresso and enjoyed them immensely. Sod the calories, thats what I say !!!!!!! Thanks Hubby, your the best XXXX
Buon appetito
Makes 15
750ml milk
1 long strip of lemon rind
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
3 eggs
60g sugar
150g plain flour, sifted
extra plain flour to coat
80g butter
caster sugar to serve
Put the milk in a heavy-based saucepan and add the lemon rind and vanilla. Bring just to the boil.
Meanwhile whip 2 eggs in abowl until they are creamy, then whisk in the sugar.
Add the flour and whisk to a smooth cream.
Just as the milk comes to a rolling boil, whisk a ladleful into the eggs. Whisking constantly, add another ladelful or two of milk. Spoon it all back into the milk pan and put over the lowest heat, whisking all the time.
It will thicken quickly so you may have to remove the pan for a minute and whisk vigorously until its smooth. Put back on the heat for a few minutes to cook the flour, whisking until it’s completely smooth and very thick.
Lightly grease a 17 x 27 cm sandwich tin ( a brownie tin would be just perfect). Spoon the custard into the tin, smoothing the surface with a spatula. Let it cool and set completely, then turn out and cut into 5 cm squares.
Break the last egg into a small flat bowl and scatter some flour on a plate. Melt 2 – 3 tablespoons of butter in a non-stick frying pan over a medium – low heat. Working in batches, dip the squares of custard first in the egg and then in the flour to coat lightly. Fry in the butter until golden on both sides, turning them gently. Add blobs of butter along the way to prevent burning.
Lift the squares onto kitchen paper to drain and then serve warm, sprinkled with some caster sugar. Enjoy and don’t think about the calories.