My eldest Son Simon loves his puddings and this is one of his favourites. I miss having him at home so much as he like’s the same desserts as I do and if I make them for myself I just end up eating the lot and then moaning that I have put on weight, so when he comes home for a visit it is always a good excuse to make him something yummy.

This we would always have hot with a good vanilla ice cream, my ice cream of choice always being Haagen-dazs.
Buon appetito.
Italian Apple Cake
Serves 6
125g unsalted butter
200g caster sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
zest 1 lemon
3 medium eggs
200g plain flour
1 rounded teaspoon baking powder
3 tablespoons milk
3 dessert apples
cinnamon to dust
Grease and lightly dust with plain flour a 23cm (9in) springform cake tin.
Lined Tin
Preheat the oven to 180c, 350f, gas mark 4.
Beat the butter, 150g of the sugar, the vanilla extract and lemon zest until light. Then beat in the eggs, one at a time – an electric mixer will do this job well.
In a separate bowl, sift the flour, baking powder and 1 level teaspoon of salt together. Fold this into the batter, then add the milk. Mix until completely blended, then set aside for 10 minutes.
Meanwhile, peel and core the apples, then cut each into 16 slices and toss them in the remaining 50g caster sugar. Spoon the batter into a buttered and floured cake tin, then arrange the apple slices, close together and overlapping, on top of the batter. Dust with the cinnamon.
apple slices
Place the cake tin on the middle shelf of the preheated oven and bake until the cake feels firm to the touch – this will take 50 – 60 minutes. Allow to cool slightly before removing the cake from the tin.
Italian Apple Cake