I have introduced you to my five gorgeous Children, but now want to tell you about my most amazing Husband, who came up with the idea of this Blog for me and who is my complete and utter World.
Ben & I have been together now for five years and they have been the best of my life, life changing and I have grown so much, done so much, all due to this one man. Ben came into my world knowing how much my Children mean to me and how important family life is, he puts up with my obsessing over making sure Christmas is perfect for everyone, making sure that we all sit at the table everyday as a family, that we have fresh cooked home food everyday, he loves me and knows thats what makes me happy.
We couldn’t be two more different people, from two completely different back grounds & upbringings, but we have both brought different things to the table and it works. I thank Ben for making me stronger & for getting me to believe in myself and that I can do things. I have given him my complete love, support and a family that adore him and will never let him down or never not believe in him. He stepped up to the job and has taken it on & done it with the strength, most amazing character and love that many men just don’t have.
I just want you to know Honey, that I love you truly, madly, deeply and thank you from the bottom of my heart for loving me.
Anyway, this is Hubby’s favourite recipe of the moment.

Boeuf Bourguignon – Serves 6

1kg Lean Braising Steak – cut into chunks
50g Plain Flour – seasoned
Olive Oil
250g Smoked Bacon – excess fat removed & cut into small places.
300g Shallots – peeled & left whole
2 Cloves of Garlic – crushed
250ml Beef Stock
1 Bay Leaf
4tbsp Tomato Ketchup
750ml Red Wine
2 Carrots – roughly chopped
500g Button Mushrooms
160c/Fan 140c/Gas 4

Lightly coat the pieces of beef in the seasoned flour, shaking off the excess.

Heat 2tbsp Olive Oil in a large pan on the hob on a high heat.

Add the beef & cook for 10 minutes until lightly browned on all sides.

Remove the beef from the dish, drain well & set aside.

Add the smoked bacon to the dish & fry until lightly coloured. Remove from the dish, drain well & set aside.

Add 1tbsp Olive Oil to the pan & add the shallots. Fry until lightly browned all over. Add the crushed garlic & cook for a further minute, but do not allow it to burn.

Add the beef stock, bay leaf, tomato ketchup & 2/3 of the bottle of red wine. Stir well to keep deglazed the base of the dish. Once boiling add the beef & bacon back to the dish and also the diced carrots. Cover the dish & transfer to the heated oven for 1 hour.

Remove after the hour and add the mushrooms and the rest of the wine. Cover & return to the oven for 1 ½ to 2 hours, until the meat is tender & the sauce slightly thickened. Just before the end of the cooking time taste & season as necessary.