Hubby and I have had a weekend alone, every third weekend we have time just to ourselves and its amazing, time to be just us and to be a couple. Normally this includes lots of lazing around, recovering from our hectic week, lots of booze and lots of naughty food and rich food.

This weekend however has been different as Hubby is on a diet and has already lost a stone and I am very proud of him, but weekends, especially weekends alone are usually our downfall and we always put weight on.
So this weekend we decided to be good, we stocked up on piles of fruit, only one bottle of Prosecco, drank loads of water and went for a marathon of a walk and its looking good, weight has so far stayed the same. Hey its better than putting any on and we will make up for it in the week.
So down to the reason why I made Hubby the peppermint creams, not to tempt him, not to be cruel, but we ALWAYS at some point fancy something sweet, so I thought I would make us something that filled that criteria. They are sweet, not full of chemicals and I used the best Green & Blacks chocolate with a high cocoa count, so all good and boy they were good. Trying to restrict ourselves to only a couple and saving some for the Kids when they get back has been extremely hard and a test of our fairly usually weak will-power, but I think there are a few left for them, I hope !!!
I am so proud of how these have worked out, that I will be definitely making them next time we have people round for dinner, they will be just great served at the end of the meal with an espresso.
(Photo taken on my iPhone after wonderful Hubby did a software update and improved the camera, loving it, thanks Gorgeous Hubby)
Boun appetito.
Makes about 25
500g icing sugar
2 egg whites, beaten till frothy
1/2 teaspoon peppermint essence
100g dark chocolate, melted
Sift the icing sugar into a bowl and add enough beaten egg white to form a stiff dough. Add a few drops of peppermint essence to taste. Knead the paste lightly, and then roll out into small balls on a work surface lightly dusted with icing sugar, roughly all the same size, press the back of a fork gently down onto each ball to form a patterned small disc shape.
Leave to dry for a day. I put mine in the fridge as it was an extremely hot day when I made them and it speeded the process up.
When dry, melt the chocolate in a bain-marie and submerge each peppermint disc into the chocolate. Place on a piece of Bake-O-Glide or oiled foil to dry.
You can make many variations and making them with Children would be lots of fun. You may wish to add a few drops of green colouring to half of the paste, or even just dip half of the disc into the chocolate, what ever you decide I am sure they will be yummy.
I am going to try and make some variations, rose water with pink food colouring and orange water in a milk chocolate. I’ll let you know how it turns out.