I knew Hubby was the one for me when not long after I had met him I asked him to shut his eyes and open his mouth, he trusted me and I put a spoonful of After Eight Mousse in his mouth. He loved it and the rest is history !!!
I must admit there was far more to our relationship that him liking my mousse but it does help that we are both huge foodies, love to cook, love to eat and love anything foodie related.
So, I thought, as I have just added a chocolate section to the Blog that I should put this recipe on, its simple but delicious.
Boun appetito.
Serves 4 – Ready in 10 minutes
234g box of After Eight mints
3 tablespoons brandy (you can leave this out if you are making these for Children)
568ml extra thick double cream
Reserve eight of the After Eight mints. Put the rest in a small pan with the brandy and gently heat, stirring occasionally, until the chocolates have melted. Set aside to cool slightly.
Break up the reserved mints. Spoon the cream into a bowl and gently fold in the melted chocolate. Spoon into four serving glasses and decorate with the broken chocolates and a small sprig of mint.
So simple, so quick, but lovely after dinner served with an espresso. There is no skill involved, anyone can make this, perfect boys to impress your girlfriends !!!