My Children all love burgers, but I am a true food snob on this subject and hate places like McDonalds and frozen burgers. If you are having burgers they either have to be from a good butcher or make them yourself. At least that way you will know what has gone in to them.
These were absolutely yummy and I will definitely be making them for Hubby’s dotBBQ. Even the kids loved them, so much so that Stephen has taken the left overs to work for lunch today!
One thing that I will try adding to the recipe next time is a beaten egg, they were a bit crumbly and this made them a little hard to turn, on a BBQ this would be a nightmare. I will let you know how it goes.
Buon appetito.

Makes 4 burgers
400g lamb mince
100g feta, crumbled
1 small red onion, grated
1 tbsp harissa
small handful of chopped parsley (I am going to use mint next time as I think it will work so well with the flavours here, served with a Greek salad would be just perfect)
Salt & freshly ground pepper
Put the lamb mince into a bowl with the crumbled feta, grated red onion, harissa and parsley or mint, season well and combine all the ingredients together.
Now I am a little anal here and weighed out 125g of the mixture for each burger, just so they were all roughly the same size and would cook evenly, but hey you can just grab a handful and make them into patties, what ever suits your personality !!!!
Once you have your four burgers just grill or griddle them for 4 – 5 minutes on each side.
Serve in crusty buns with rocket & tzatziki and a lovely Greek salad or homemade chunky chips or roasted new potatoes in olive oil, sea salt & cumin seeds, again what ever takes your fancy.
Tip : Open freeze on a baking tray lined with baking paper, then pack in a freezerproof container or bags until needed. When you want to use them, just defrost overnight in the fridge and cook as above.