I’m slowly getting back into the kitchen, still haven’t got a confirmed moving date and I have decided that I now dislike Estate Agents with a passion, they seem to just love to mess you around, but I am on top of the packing, garden is sorted ready to go and I am now feeling better. So at least we are getting somewhere.
Summer appears to be over for another year and the weather is now feeling distinctly autumnal and I feel the urge to make comforting warming food for the family to come home to.
This dish is in the September edition of Olive Magazine and fits the bill perfectly.
Buon appetito.

Serves 2
Olive Oil
4 chicken thighs (bone & skin on)
1 onion, halved & sliced
100g cooking Chorizo, chopped into pieces
1 x 400g butter beans
200ml chicken stock
1/2 a small bunch flat-leafed parsley, chopped
Heat the oven to 200C/fan 180C/gas 6. Heat a little oil in a wide, shallow pan. Season the thighs all over, then put in the pan skin-side down and cook until crisp and golden. Turn and cook on the other side for a couple of minutes.
Take the thighs out of the pan and add the onions. Cook for 5 minutes, then add the chorizo and cook for a couple of minutes. Tip in the butter beans and stock, then sit the chicken back on top. Transfer to the oven for 30 minutes to finish cooking the chicken. Stir the parsley through the butter beans. Serve the chicken and beans in shallow bowls with crusty bread, if you like.
This is just lovely, a little bit of spice from the Chorizo, creamy butter beans and a lovely juice to be mopped up by the crusty bread, just yummy.