Summer has returned, just in time for the Children to return to School, but Luca and I have been making the most of the sunshine and the last week of the holidays to get out and about and do some blackberry picking.

Even with the return of the beautiful sunshine there is that little nip in the air that warns of the approach of autumn and the approach of Halloween, Bonfire Night and Christmas. With these events in mind, the celebrations, long cold dark nights I have turned my attention to a little Schnapps making. Something to warm you up and bring some cheer.

Whilst out and about we also found a great place to pick Sloe’s, so after the first frosts we will be back out, wrapped up warm to pick our Sloe’s to make some Sloe Gin. If all goes to plan we will have some lovely drinks ready in time for Christmas.

Buon appetito

600g blackberries
300g caster sugar
1 litre vodka (cheap shop brand vodka is fine)

Wash and leave to dry your blackberries.

Divide you blackberries into two jars or a large one if you can find one big enough. I used Hubby’s empty pickled egg jar! Add the sugar and shake well. Add the vodka.

Store in a cool and dark place for at least 6 weeks and up to 6 months.

For the first month try to remember to shake the jar every other day. Strain into a jug then pour into a bottle.

Ikea do a lovely range of cheap stopper bottles which are just perfect for this and look lovely with a homemade tag & ribbon to be given as a gift.

This recipe can be also used for rhubarb schnapps, you will need 1kg of rhubarb which should leave you with 600g of trimmed and prepared rhubarb, then just follow the directions above.