Well the latest news on the home front is, that we may actually have a new home, I’m not actually holding my breath as we have had disaster after disaster with our journey to finding a place to lay our hat’s, but heres hoping that finally this could be home.
Estate Agents appear to be a strange breed and boy have we met some strange ones over the last few weeks, but luckily for us we have a lovely friend that owns Bairstow Eves and with his help things will hopefully go Ok this time. I hope !!!
Feeling a little bit excited and filled with a little hope we headed off to Dreams & John Lewis at the weekend to scope out a new bed. We have found a gorgeous, rather expensive super king bed, which if Hubby had his way we would of ordered there & then, I didn’t want to tempt fate, but once contracts are signed I will be back to order our dream bed for our dream bedroom suite.
Anyway by the time we got home we were starving, so this was our yummy, quick & healthy dinner.
Buon appetito
Serves 4 – Low fat, high in fibre & helps towards your five-a-day. I would like to add here that I don’t like butternut squash, well its been a while since I have tried it and it was only the once and someone told me recently that you should try everything at least twice as the first time may just off been bad luck, but not being brave enough I have done my usual here and should of used butternut squash, but have replaced it with sweet potato which we all love. So if you prefer butternut squash go for it, or maybe try a bit of both. Also we used white rice as we are not partial to brown.
  • 200g brown basmati rice,
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 butternut squash or sweet potato , diced
  • 1 red onion, diced
  • 2 tbsp mild curry paste
  • 300ml vegetable stock
  • 4 large tomatoes, roughly chopped
  • 400g can chickpeas , rinsed and drained
  • 3 tbsp fat-free Greek yogurt
  • small handful coriander , chopped
Cook the rice in boiling salted water, as per pack instructions. Meanwhile, heat the oil in a large frying pan and cook the butternut squash for 2-3 mins until lightly browned. Add the onion and the curry paste and fry for 3-4 mins more.
Pour over the stock, then cover and simmer for 15-20 mins, or until the squash is tender. Add the tomatoes and chickpeas, then gently cook for 3-4 mins, until the tomatoes slightly soften.
Take off the heat and stir through the yogurt and coriander. Serve with the rice and some wholemeal chapattis if you like.