I have exciting news, I will be appearing as guests on the new series of Market Kitchen with Matt Tebbutt, terrified, excited and nervous are only a few words to describe how I am feeling about this.
This all came about because I follow Market Kitchen on Twitter and they were asking people to contact them that had an interest in food or write food blogs. I completed the questionnaire and within minutes of emailing it to Richard Hunt he was on the phone chatting to me. We had a very long conversation about food, what’s my signature dish, what’s my favourite food and so on.
I chatted away like a pro, but when I got off the phone Rosie was laughing at me, a little disturbed I asked her what was funny, she said that all the time I had been talking I was so confident, but as soon as the call had ended I started shaking !!!
I learnt a good piece of advice from Richard, I told him that I tell the Children that when it comes to food that they should try everything once. Richard advised me that you should try everything twice, just incase the first time it was cooked badly or not ripe etc. This advice I have taken on board and will be giving a few foods a second chance.
Anyway, when he asked me what my favourite food was I had to say risotto. Risotto is my perfect comfort food, it reminds me of a gorgeous time I had in Pisa eating this dish with Hubby, Juliet and Peter and is now my Hubbies signature dish. I must say here that the first time Hubby attempted risotto he was a little worse for wear after a night out, but now has perfected this dish, to the point where I would happily say its the best I have ever have, even that cooked by the Italians. Rosie’s favourite is lemon chicken and sage risotto, mine was leek or four cheese, but I have to say that this one is right up there at the top.
Buon appetito
Serves 4 – I must say here, that as in previous recipes I have used sweet potato instead of squash, but use what ever you prefer.
1kg/ 2lb 4oz peeled, deseeded sweet potato/squash cubed
1 tbsp olive oil
handful pumpkin seeds
1 onion chopped
1 garlic clove, crushed
25g butter
300g risotto rice
150ml white wine
1.2 litres hot vegetable stock
100g Wensleydale
small bunch chives, snipped
Heat the oven to 200c/180c fan/gas 6.
Toss the squash in the oil in a roasting tin and roast for 15-20 mins until tender and golden. With 4-5 minuets to go, toss the pumpkin seeds with a little salt, make a little space amongst the squash/sweet potato and spread out the seeds, then finish roasting.
Remove half the squash and puree or mash, and keep the rest warm in a very low oven until ready to serve.
Meanwhile, soften the onion and garlic in the butter in a frying pan. Stir in the rice for 1 – 2 minutes. Add the wine and cook, stirring, until the wine has evaporated. Add the hot stock, a ladleful at a time, stirring until each addition is almost completely absorbed.
Once all the stock has been added, the rice should be tender and creamy. Stir in the pureed or smashed squash until warm, then season if you like. Don’t forget that the stock will be fairly salty.
Serve in shallow bowls, scatter over the reserved roasted squash/sweet potato, crumbled cheese, chives and pumpkin seeds.
Such an amazing dish.