Hubby and I decided to grow tomatoes this is year, it didn’t go quite to plan as we went away to Tuscany and forgot to ask Sam who was looking after the house & cat to water them. By the time we came back they were a little stunted to say the least and had some serious catching up to do. Our plans of Greek salad’s galore and jar after jar of homemade passata were looking slim.
As the weather is now beginning to turn and we are moving soon we decided it was time to do something with the vast amounts of green tomatoes that were growing abundantly in our garden and decided that chutney was the way forward.
Whilst I was out yesterday Hubby kindly picked the tomatoes and turned them into the most delicious chutney. I returned home to the most amazing aroma’s wafting through the house.
The recipe he used taste’s just like my Nan’s but with a spicy twist and I look forward to using the chutney over the coming months.
Buon appetito

  • 500 g green tomatoes, cut into bite size chunks
  • 500 g onions, sliced
  • 250 g raisins
  • 250 g brown sugar
  • 2 tbsp salt
  • 1 tsp cayenne pepper
  • tsp ground cardamom
  • 500 ml malt vinegar
  • Place all the ingredients in a large non-reactive, heavy based saucepan, bring to the boil, reduce the heat and simmer for 1 hour until reduced to a thick pulp.
  • Spoon into warmed sterilised jars, cover and leave to cool.
Enjoy with cheese, curry or what ever takes your fancy.
The chutney would make lovely Christmas gifts for foodie friends and family. Just decorate the jars with pretty ribbon, bows and sprigs of holly and add a handwritten gift card for that personal touch.