Have you missed me? I know I have missed being able to Blog, all thanks to a manic life and the idiots which go by the name of BT !!!

As you know we moved into our new house about 6 months ago, our Internet provider was Sky, but we found the amount we used it, that we were being classed as a high users and they were slowing our Internet down into the house, the results of which meant disaster. Olly struggled to play online with his Xbox, we couldn’t download movies on Apple TV and just trying to use the Internet became an absolute nightmare.

We decided to change back to BT, because even though their customer service is dreadful, they do provide a good Internet service, we hope!!!

That was weeks ago, weeks of phone calls, promises, promised dates and no Internet and we are STILL waiting !!!

So this is how I find myself, sat today in Starbucks filling up on my favourite beverage and happily Blogging a few recipes, the first one being this very simple, but delicious spaghetti alla carbonara, using just egg yolks mixed with the pasta cooking liquid it forms a creamy, silky sauce, so quick and easy for a mid-week supper. Also if you are baking meringues or pavlova and find yourself with left over egg yolks this is a great way of using them up, you have a main dish and a dessert without using very many ingredients. An impressive meal at very little expense.

I hope I don’t over whelm you with them all, once my Internet is back I do have quite a few recipes to get on, but a lot of them are very simple every day meals that I feel my Children would love and recipes that we cook at least once a week. Staples of any good Italian Household.

Buon appetito







Please remember one thing, real Carbonara NEVER EVER has cream in it, the eggs mixed with the pasta cooking liquid form the creamy, silky sauce.

Serves 4 – 6

300g spaghetti
120g pancetta cut into 1 – 1 1/2cm dice

4 egg yolks, beaten

100g freshly grated Pecorino Romano, please don’t be tempted to add more cheese as Hubby did, hoping to make the dish more flavorsome, it just makes it sickly!

Freshly ground black pepper, we can never have enough freshly ground black pepper in our house, we love the aromatic smell and taste

Cook the pasta according to the packet instructions.

Meanwhile, heat a frying pan and saute the pancetta until golden brown. Drain onto kitchen paper and set aside.

Combine the egg yolks, most of the cheese and some pepper in a large bowl. Drain the pasta, reserving some of the cooking liquid. Add about 200ml of the cooking liquid to the eggs and whisk together.

Tip the spaghetti into the pan. Add the pancetta, toss in the egg mix and heat gently. The eggs will emulsify to a creamy sauce.

To serve, add the remaining cheese and of course more black pepper.

Little Italian tip : always take the pasta to the sauce, never the other way round.