It is no secret how much I love Antiono Carluccio, he is one of Italy’s great food ambassadors and was awarded the Commendatore award for his knowldege, enthusiasm and lifetime’s service to the Italian Food Industry, and in 2007 he received the O.B.E, a true legend and Italian Gentleman.

For Mother’s Day this year, I again, as is my usual custom, requested cookery books for my vast and ever growing collection. The one I particularly wanted was the Two Greedy Italians, but by some mishap the wrong book was ordered and I received Antonio’s Simple Cooking instead. Far from being disappointed, Hubby didn’t allow time for that, because as soon as he realised the mistake, he ordered the other one for me, I received two gorgeous new cookery books which I love.

Here is a beautiful simple recipe for you to enjoy, the Italians version of Beans on Toast and possibly one of the most popular recipes for native Italians.

Buon appetito

Please don’t underestimate the taste of this dish, with good quality ingredients this quick and simple dish is a delight to your taste buds, perfect for a midnight feast or when you get back in from a night out and really need something to soak up the booze.

Serves 2 (Multiply as needed)

For the pasta:
180g spaghetti

For the sauce:
2 garlic cloves, peeled and finely chopped
1 small red chilli, finely chopped
6 tablespoons olive oil

Put plenty of water in a saucepan, add salt, bring to the boil and throw in the pasta. Stir, then cook for about 5 – 6 minutes, until nearly done.

Now start the sauce be heating the olive oil gently in a deep frying pan. Add the garlic and chilli and fry for a few seconds, or until the garlic starts to change colour. Take care not to burn the garlic, there is nothing worse than burnt garlic!

The pasta will be ready and al dente in those few minutes. Drain it well and put in the pan with the ‘sauce’, adding a little salt and perhaps 1 – 2 tablespoons of the pasta cooking water. Stir a couple of times and serve.

Its that simple !