Now here is the recipe for the chocolate sour cream fudge frosting for Luca’s Birthday cake, the recipe is also from ‘Baked in America’ and the frosting recommended in the book to compliment the cake. Of course you can use it on any cake you wish and it would be great on cupcakes. One thing I would do differently next time when I make it is, I would use creme fraiche instead of sour cream as I didn’t really like the tang, but thats probably just because I have a very sweet tooth.

The frosting does set quite thickly but was still easy to apply onto the cake with a palette knife, so don’t panic like I did when I first saw it. You will have a luxuriously smooth satin finish frosting.

There is enough frosting to cover one 3 layer cake or 36 cupcakes.







340g milk chocolate, chopped
175g semi-sweet chocolate, chopped (50% Cocoa)
340g sour cream or creme fraiche
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Melt the chocolates in a heatproof bowl over a pan of simmering water. Stir occasionally to hasten the melting. Remove the bowl from the heat and whisk in the sour cream and vanilla. As the book recommended doing this in a food processor, I did mine in my Artisan with the whisk attachement. If you use a processor you just need to pulse as needed to achieve a smooth, even colour and consistency. Let the frosting cool to room temperature, stirring every once in awhile when you pass the bowl. Avoid the urge to beat it to cool it faster as that will change the texture. How long your frosting will take to cool to room temperature will depend on how warm your kitchen is, but should roughly take about 30 minutes.

Once it’s thick enough to spread, frost the cake rather quickly. As you work, the frosting will set and thicken. If it has gone beyond the point of no return, gently re-heat the frosting over a pan of simmering water and start again.

Happy frosting!