I make this simple, no bake cake when ever I need a quick treat for the kids or a cake for school fete’s and fayres. Now I felt it was far to simple to add to the blog, but my lovely Twitter friend Maria, requested that I post it and she is right, this blog is not just about fabulous food that my family love, but also about our family traditions and food we like to make together.

So here it is, I’m not going to apologise for its simplicity, as its yummy and you can make it as fabulous and pretty as you like.

I decorate mine by melting a bar of white chocolate in a bowl over a pan of simmering water, once melted I just dribble the chocolate over the set rice crispies, then I add what ever sparkles, sprinkles or sweets that take my fancy or just what I have laying around.

Check out Maria’s blog http://thegoddesskitchen.blogspot.com/ it is gorgeous and she is such an inspiration.

Buon appetito

Serves: 24
50g butter
200g white marshmallows (I use a mixed bag)
150g crisped rice cereal

Preparation method
Melt butter or margarine in large saucepan over low heat. Add marshmallows and stir until melted and well blended. Cook 2 minutes longer, stirring constantly. Remove from heat.

Add cereal. Stir until well coated.

Using buttered spatula or greaseproof paper, press mixture evenly and firmly in buttered 20x30cm tin. Cut into 5x5cm squares when cool.

The recipes suggests cutting them into 5x5cm squares, I prefer to make huge ones, the kids love them.

Perfectly simple but very moreish. Great for kids’ parties or cake sales.