I love Indian food, I love Chai Tea and I love Masala Tea, I love the richness of this fabulous culture and I love the family values, something I think we could learn so much from in this very cold and busy modern world.

I love the thought of the women coming together, brewing up a large pan of this delicious tea and sharing it with their friends and loved ones whilst having a natter.

I just had to pop this recipe on my blog as it really is the ultimate cup of tea, it offers something warming and comforting on these colder misty mornings and manages to invigorate me whilst still offering that relaxing feeling that only a good cup of tea can.

It maybe a little time consuming to make, but that is all part of the appeal and ritual for me and the smells wafting round the kitchen can only help to warm you and make you feel at ease with the day.

I hope you enjoy it.

350ml/12fl oz water
100ml/3½fl oz milk
4 black peppercorns
10 green cardamom pods, lightly crushed
good pinch green fennel seeds
small piece cinnamon stick
1 tsp fresh ginger, peeled and roughly sliced
1 tea bag
sugar, to taste
salt, to taste (optional)

Preparation method
Heat the water and milk in a pan with the spices and ginger until it comes to the boil.

Turn the heat down and cook over a low to medium heat for 15 minutes. Be careful as the milk can easily rise and boil over.

Once the volume is reduced to a large cupful, add the teabag and let it brew for one minute, or longer if you like strong tea.

To serve, strain into a cup and add sugar or salt if using, to taste.