For me, Christmas is not Christmas without a wrapped polygon shaped box appearing under the Christmas tree. This tradition goes back to my Father, who just loves Turkish Delight, every year my Mum would buy him a box for Christmas Day, she would always have to hide it as Dad would eat it before the big day, if she let him, which she quite often did and then had to replace it.

Now I am just the same, I love the stuff and every year one of my gorgeous Children buys me some and the little polygon box appears under the tree, much to my delight or should I say, much to my Turkish Delight!

This year I have found a gorgeous recipe for Turkish Delight Vodka in The Good Food magazine and I just had to give it a go, it looks so pretty and I can not wait until Christmas to try it. Hubby will have his Sloe Gin and I will have my delicately pink, rose fragranced vodka, sounds like a very ‘MERRY’ Christmas to me, plus its low fat, wow, what more could a girl ask for, a little sprinkling of snow maybe!!!

Cheers !






1 litre of vodka
1 teaspoon of rose water
1 teaspoon caster sugar
100g Turkish Delight, chopped

Pour 100ml out of the vodka bottle (you can save this in the freezer for cocktails, I used a swing top bottle that looked nicer, but this is just me being posy and all the vodka fitted in nicely)

Mix the rose water and caster sugar together until the sugar dissolves, then pour into the vodka bottle using a funnel.

Wash any sugar off the Turkish Delight, then put it in the bottle. Screw on the lid and leave to stand for up to a month, swirling occasionally until the Turkish Delight dissolves.

Serve with soda water and ice, or drizzle neat over vanilla ice cream, just heavenly, I can’t wait.