Now this is not a recipe, but I just wanted to share with you my finished Christmas cake as I am so proud of how it has turned out.

I have kept it secretly hidden away until the Tuesday after Christmas when the Children were all coming over for dinner. While we had them all under one roof, we thought it would be a good time to share with them our big secret.

On the 31st December 2011, Hubby & I celebrate our 3rd Wedding Anniversary, nothing exciting you may be thinking, but the surprise is that we have never ever told anyone that we have got married. We snuck off to a gorgeous hotel in Kent and with two members of hotel staff as our witnesses we were married. It was the most magical, most romantic day ever and made even more special as it was just about us!

We then had a beautiful romantic meal and then joined all the other hotel guests in the evening at the New Years Eve ball, a few days later we honeymooned in the Maldives. Perfect.

We decided that after 7 years together and now 3 of those years being happily married it felt right to share our secret with our friends and family. The Children were all so happy for us, little Luca cried as he has been wanting us to get married for ages and was just so overwhelmed.

So now the world knows our little secret, hope you like my cheeky little snow bride and groom.

I would just like to wish my very gorgeous Husband happy anniversary for tomorrow, I love you truly, madly, deeply.