In November I was very lucky to attend a Vintage Cupcake course with Louby’s of Reigate, the classes are kept to 5 students so that you get time for individual attention and get to go at your own pace, the instructions are clear, concise and you are made to feel very welcome and at home. It was like sitting around a table with friends, having a lovely afternoon creating lovely cupcakes.

That said, the level of professionalism and teaching is very high, the classes are so well structured, everything is supplied for you and I learnt so many little tricks of the trade that I didn’t even know existed,  these alone are worth the £50 I paid for the afternoons tuition.

I came away with 12 beautifully decorated cupcakes that not only looked amazing but also tasted divine. Louby’s very kindly send each student a recipe for the cupcakes and the delicious frosting that they normally only share with students, but they have very kindly allowed me to share it with you all because I just love it so much.

This is the perfect cupcake recipe and trust me I have tried a few over the years, it comes out perfect every time, light, fluffy and so flavoursome and the frosting is just to die for.

So if you are an avid cupcaker or beginner, why not check out the links below and treat yourself to one of Louby’s classes or check out the gift voucher page, drop a few hints to loved ones and maybe, be treated for your Birthday, Valentines, Easter or Mother’s Day.

I must also add that Louby’s of Reigate also make the most devine assortment of cakes to buy and cater for weddings, parties and corporate events, check out their website and have a dribble.

Buon appetito

These gorgeous creations are sadly not mine but Louby’s of Reigate, I dream of one day being this good!

Ingredients – Makes 12

150g caster sugar
150g soft butter or margarine
3 medium free range eggs
175g self raising flour
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Preheat oven to 160 degrees (fan assisted) or 180 degrees normal.

Beat caster sugar and butter together until creamed (well combined). Scrape down sides of bowl and add 1 egg at a time and a little flour until all mixture is combined.

Do not over mix as this makes the cake sponge tough.

Spoon equal quantities of mixture into 12 cake cases and cook in oven for 18 minutes or until lightly golden. Once cooked, cool on a wire rack.

Vanilla Buttercream frosting ingredients
240g icing sugar
125g good quality soft butter (unsalted) Splash of whole organic milk
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Place soft butter and 1/3 of icing sugar into a bowl and beat on low for 10-15 seconds in a free-standing mixer. Once partially mixed, turn up the speed to high and beat until well combined. Repeat this process until all sugar has been incorporated, making sure to scrape down the sides of the bowl often.
Scrape down a final time and turn the mixer up to medium speed. Add your vanilla extract, wait until combined and then add the milk to blend all the ingredients together. The milk also helps to loosen the mixture and make it light and fluffy.