My Hubby loves the Millionaires shortbread pots that Marks & Spencers sell and he has been on at me for ages to make him some, so today his wish has been granted and I have done my take on these yummy little pots of heaven, using Hubby’s favourite biscuits, Bourbons.

Over the years we have eaten rather a lot of GU puds and so have a huge stockpile of the little glass ramekins stored away in our cupboards, they were just perfect for these desserts and I have made lots of individual pots for dessert tonight, but you could just as easily make one large one using a beautiful glass bowl, this way you would get to see all the heavenly layers. The White Company have some beautiful bowls that would be just perfect for this.

Also thinking about recipes for Mother’s Day and Easter, I realised that I had missed out Father’s Day completely on my Blog, so as these are especially for my gorgeous Husband, I thought they would be just right for my new Father’s Day category.

So let me take you step by step through the making of these little pots of yumminess.

The Biscuits Base


300g Bourbon biscuits, crushed
75g butter, melted

Melt the butter gently in a saucepan.

Meanwhile either in a food processor or in a large plastic bowl & with a rolling bin, smash the biscuits until they become really fine crumbs, a great way of getting rid of any aggression!

Then add the melted butter to the bowl of biscuit crumbs, combine well. Press the mixture into the base of your chosen bowl or bowls. Chill in the fridge for 10 minutes.

If you want to keep it more traditional use shortbread, or experiment with different types of biscuits, digestives, chocolate digestives, gingernuts, anything really that takes your fancy or you have in the cupboard.

The caramel layer

Next take a tin of Nestle Carnation Caramel and empty into a bowl, give it a quick stir through, until it is nice a smooth and easy to work with.

Remove your biscuit bases from the fridge and put a layer of the gorgeous caramel onto each one, make sure you allow enough room for the next two toppings.

Pop them back into the fridge while you make the next layer.

The chocolate mousse layer

150g mini marshmallows
50g soft butter
250g good dark chocolate, broken into small pieces
60ml hot water from a recently boiled kettle
284ml double cream
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Put the marshmallows, butter, chocolate and water into a saucepan.

Put the saucepan onto the hob and heat gently, melt the contents, stirring every now and again. Remove from the heat.

Meanwhile, whip the cream with the vanilla extract until thick, then fold into the cooling chocolate until you have  a smooth mixture.

Remove your pots from the fridge and put a slightly thicker layer than you did for the caramel into each pot.

Pop them back into the fridge until set.

The final layer

100g chocolate, you could use milk, white or dark

Break up the chocolate and place in a bain marie (a bowl over a simmering saucepan of water on your hob), gently melt, stirring occasionally.

Once melted, remove your pots from the fridge and carefully pour a little chocolate onto each one, about one to two teaspoons if you are using small ramekins.

Pop back into the fridge and allow to set.

You can decorate them before serving with a little edible gold glitter or gold leaf, just to give them a millionaires edge.