Even the most ardent of home bakers amongst us, sometimes feel a little overwhelmed that we are always expected to come up with something yummy and amazing for the latest school fete or charity event, our lives are busy with work and being Mums/Wives and even though we love to bake, we don’t always have the time and energy! These custard & white chocolate biscuits are perfect for this.

This got me to thinking about this time of year, so far over the last week Luca has had a charity bake sale and on the 19th May is the school fayre and you just know that nearer the time there will be a letter in his book bag asking for cakes and bakes for the cake stall, so I have come up with a new section on my Blog with recipes just perfect for these occasions.

To welcome amongst the old recipes that already appear on my blog I have baked today this new recipe, just perfect for this new section. Yummy, easy to bake, quick biscuits that make a nice size batch, put into little cellophane bags & tied with a little bow, they would definitely hold their own on any cake stall.

The recipe used white chocolate but I only had dark and it worked just as well. They work out at about 10p each to make and will last up to two weeks in a tin, so you can even get a head with your baking.

Here’s looking forward to a lovely summer of baking.

Buon appetito

140g butter, softened
175g caster sugar
1 egg
1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract
225g self-raising flour
85g custard powder
85g white chocolate (or chocolate of your choice) chopped into chunks

Heat the oven to 180c/ 160c fan/ gas 4.

Line 2 – 3 baking sheets with baking parchment.

Put the butter and sugar in to a food processor and whizz together until light and fluffy. Add the eggs and vanilla, and mix well.

Sift together the flour and the custard powder, then tip into the bowl of the food processor, pulse to mix into a dough. Scrape the dough out of the food processor and work the chocolate in by hand.

Roll the dough into balls a little smaller than a walnut, then place on the baking sheets, a little apart to allow for spreading. Press each biscuit down lightly with your fingers.

Bake for 12 – 15 minutes, until lightly golden. Remove and cool on a wire rack.