I am trying to catch up with all the yummy recipes that I have cooked and baked lately, but not had time to get onto my blog, so today, after finally everyone going back to school, work and college and catching up with all the housework, ironing and washing, I have managed to find a little time to get a few recipes typed up and posted.

So far today I have posted a zingy lemon and thyme cake http://dianastaveley.blogspot.co.uk/2013/01/lemon-thyme-cake.html and a fantastic Jamie Oliver crab bolognese http://dianastaveley.blogspot.co.uk/2013/01/crab-bolognese.html ,that had this gorgeous salad served with it.

So here it is, crunchy fennel salad! I didn’t think I liked fennel that much, but this salad is so fresh and palate cleansing, it makes you feel virtuous eating it and served with the crab bolognese really lifts the dish and cuts through the crab.

I liked it so much, that I have just eaten a massive bowl of it for my lunch.

Buon appetito

2 little gem lettuces
2 bulbs of fennel (if making this with the Crab Bolognese you will have these left over)
1/2 bunch of fresh mint
1 lemon
Parmesan cheese
1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil

With the fine slicer on your food processor, halve the fennel bulbs and trim the lettuces, then slice them in the processor and tip into a salad bowl. Rip off and slice the top leafy half of the mint, and add to the bowl with a pinch of salt and pepper, the juice of 1 lemon and a few shavings of Parmesan. Toss and finish with a drizzle of olive oil.

Of course if you do not have a food processor, just cut really finely using a sharp knife.

Its so simple and will go so well with many dishes, especially baked fish.