I have seen this recipe time and time again on Pinterest, it looks so rich and so yummy, but it is the strangest recipe I have come across. I did a little research and it appears that it is a very old traditional recipe and rather well known as Granny’s Chocolate Cobbler.

My biggest tip, as the ingredients are so simple, is use the best quality cocoa and vanilla you can, as this will really impact on the taste.

You start by making a fairly normal and simple sponge mix, this you layer into the bottom of your greased dish, then you take the brown sugar, white sugar and cocoa mix and sprinkle this evenly over the top, then comes the very odd bit, you get a cup and a half of hot water and just pour it over the top of all the other ingredients, no mixing, no stirring, it just sits there on the top. Its very hard not to want to stir it! You just have to put faith in the recipe!

Well Hubby took one look and said, ‘thats not going to work’! So much for faith!

I popped it into the oven, really not expecting much, but hey presto, when I looked 30 minutes later I had a very lovely self saucing chocolate dessert. It won’t win any culinary prizes, I wouldn’t make it for a dinner party, but for a simple mid week pud, its just perfect, plus you are very likely to have all the ingredients sat in your cupboard, so perfect for when you need a chocolate fix.

I would suggest eating it warm, served with a really good vanilla ice cream.

Oh and my lot loved it and have requested it again for tonight, so it must be good.

Buon appetito

3/4 cup sugar (I recommend golden caster sugar as it will give a nice caramel taste)
1 cup self rising flour
2 Tablespoons cocoa (I used Green & Blacks)
1/2 cup milk (I used semi skimmed, but whole milk would make this a lot richer)
3 Tablespoons melted butter
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Mix the above ingredients and spread into a greased 11×7 or 9×13 glass baking dish.

Top Mixture – Mix together and sprinkle evenly on the above mixture.
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup cocoa

Pour 1 1/2 cups hot water gently over all. DO NOT MIX- just gently pour over all

Bake at 350F, 175C for 40 minutes. Serve hot, or cold.