Well Easter has come and gone and what a fabulous Easter it was, we had spring sunshine, family & good food, for me thats just perfect. I know I don’t need an excuse to bring people around my table for food, chatter and giggles, but if there is a celebration, all the better. I show my love by feeding people, the planning, the love that goes into the baking, cooking and preparation of the house and table is all part of the event for me.

Easter Monday was no exception, my Dad was coming over for dinner and Hubby was cooking. My Hubby is one of the best cooks I know, his food is amazing, but what he is most famous for is his roasts, especially his roast potatoes.

Anyway, a few weeks a go we were watching ‘Saturday Kitchen’ and James Martin was cooking a leg of lamb. Every year, due to my Italian upbringing ( I know ‘boulangère & fricassée is French, but you get my drift), lamb has to be part of our Easter feast and is a family tradition of ours and when we saw this recipe, we just knew it was perfect for this years roast.

Hubby loves finding different ways to cook things and loves a challenge, as usual his confidence in the kitchen paid off and he delivered an amazing feast to the table. The lamb was cooked to perfection and so moist, the flavour in the peas and potatoes was out of this world. This will be a recipe we will do time and time again.

Sorry there are no pictures of the lamb, in my haste to enjoy the meal and the time with my family, I completely forget to take any, I know, most unlike me. Hubby even calls me into the kitchen normally for photo opportunities and calls me the Food Paparazzi !

Thank you so much Hubby, it was truly out of this world.

Buon appetito

For the roasted leg of lamb and boulangère potatoes
2.7kg/6lb leg of lamb, bone in
50g/1¾oz butter, softened
50ml/1¾fl oz olive oil
6 large potatoes, peeled and sliced thinly
4 onions, sliced thinly
salt and freshly ground black pepper
450ml/16fl oz chicken or lamb stock

Preparation method
For the roasted leg of lamb and boulangère potatoes, preheat the oven to 230C/450F/Gas 8.

Rub the meat with the softened butter and place it in a roasting tin.

Pour a tablespoon or so of the olive oil over the meat and cook in the oven for about 30 minutes.

While the meat is cooking, place the potatoes and onions in a bowl, toss together and season with salt and freshly ground black pepper.

After 30 minutes, take the meat from the oven and lift it out of the tin.

Layer the potatoes and onions into the fat in the tin and pour over the stock.

Place a wire rack over the potatoes and onions and sit the lamb on top.

Roast for about another hour, depending on how well you like your meat cooked. Allow the lamb to rest as long as you have cooked it.

For the fricassée of onions and peas

50g/2oz butter
150g/5½oz frozen baby pearl onions
250g/9oz frozen peas
500ml/18fl oz chicken stock

Heat a medium frying pan and add the butter. Once melted add the baby onions. Cook for 3-4 minutes, or until golden-brown all over.

Add the peas, stir and add the stock. Cook for a few minutes, or until the onions have cooked through.
To serve, slice the lamb and serve in shallow bowls. Place the potatoes alongside and add the onions and peas.

Hubby also made Yorkshire Puddings as he has to have them with everything and did some gorgeous baby carrots roasted in butter & honey.