I love scented syrups, especially flower scented ones, they are so simple to make, but add so much to your baking.

There are clearly the obvious ones and more commonly known and used, like Violet, Rose and Elderflower, but I have been on a bit of a learning curve of late and have discovered just how many flowers are edible and can be used so beautifully in our baking, both in a decorative form and as a flavouring.

I have been shocked to discover that Wisteria, Lilac, Sweet Williams, Daylilies, Hollyhocks, Orchids, Tulips and Snap Dragons are all edible, as well as the better known Nasturtium, Pansies and Geraniums. This is to name just a few!

Over the coming weeks I will be experimenting with these flowers as they come into season and have even added a new section to my Blog just for this purpose and so, for those of you that are interested, it will be easier for you to find the recipes.

I know its not to everyones tastes, but I can not wait and I will report back shortly with my finds, but for starters here is my first ever lilac syrup.

Buon appetito

1 cup water
1 cup white caster sugar
1 cup lilac flowers
A few blueberries (optional)

Heat 1 cup of water and 1 cup of sugar until sugar is dissolved.

Add 1 cup of lilac flowers and allow to simmer on low heat for 10 minutes. If desired, add a few blueberries for colour.

Drain syrup into a sealable glass jar – through a muslin filter or fine sieve, in order to remove the flowers.

Allow to cool.

Add syrup to tea, cocktails, or use as required in your baking.

Store in the fridge.

Note : Flowers are best picked fresh first thing in the morning, after enjoying the first few rays of sun. Avoid any that are growing by a road and that they are unsprayed with any harmful chemicals.