It has been a glorious weekend, the sun has been out and Hubby and I went out for the day yesterday. Firstly to Kingston, for Selina Lakes Vintage Summer Fete, the beautiful Market House was filled with gorgeous vintage stalls and was just fabulous, I wanted to buy everything, luckily Hubby was on hand to rein me in, but I did come away with some gorgeous cake plates and a stunning corsage for my blazer, so I was a happy girl.



Then we headed off to Richmond for a mooch around the shops, a stroll along the Thames, then lunch at the edge of the Thames and sipped cocktails, the sun shone down and it all felt so very quintessentially British ! I could of stayed for ever, but sadly we had to head home as Olly was going out and our Pup has just had an operation and we didn’t like the thought of him being home alone.

Once home I made us a picnic area in the garden, Hubby made drinks and we curled up for an afternoon nap in the sun, a perfect ending to a perfect day, finished off nicely with my homemade Elderflower Gin. It is sooooo good and I am going to make a few larger batches to keep me going over the winter months. I prefer it to normal gin now and really don’t want to go back to it.

The Elderflower Gin is sweeter and has just a hint of floral notes to it, just perfect in this heat served tall over loads of ice and topped up with tonic water, but also will be great served with Prosecco at Christmas time as cocktails, a little reminder of the new summer to come.

So chin chin and bottom’s up 🙂



20 elderflowers
1 500ml bottle of gin
4 tablespoons of caster sugar

Shake the elderflowers to remove any bugs.

Drink a little of the gin, or decant into a slighter larger bottle and add the elderflowers, add the sugar and shake a little.

Leave to sit for a week, shaking the bottle every couple of days.

Strain the mixture through muslin or a coffee strainer and return to the bottle.

Its that simple, now enjoy 🙂