This ‘Mad Meringue Week’ has been a little harder than I had anticipated, there is only so many egg whites that a girl can whisk and only so much meringue you can eat, even if you do have a ridiculously sweet tooth like mine, but I do have to say that this recipe did bring me back to life, it is completely different to the others that I have baked so far and was a joy to eat, well they all have been, but this one is so very very naughty and so very very nice!

You have a crunchy biscuit base, a rich indulgent chocolate filling and then a light refreshing meringue on top, it is everything you could ask for all in one dessert, terribly moreish and one that all ages will love, especially chocoholics.  The other great thing about this recipe is that it is a good all year round dessert, you don’t need certain fruits to be in season and everything is easily found in your local supermarket or probably in your store cupboard at home.

A little tip I will give you is, when you allow this dessert to cool on the side in your kitchen you have a gorgeous gooey chocolate filling, if you prefer this to be a little firmer and set, just pop it into the fridge for a little while once fully cooled. I think personally I liked it gooey, but that may not be to everyones taste, so do which ever you prefer.

This recipe is taken from Donna Hay’s Seasons, a book I mentioned in an earlier post and a book I will be mentioning a lot over the next few weeks as it is just full of amazing recipes (check it out on my book shop, I highly recommend it). In Donna’s book she baked this in a gorgeous fluted flan tin, which looked so pretty, but mine was just a little to big, so I had to make do with a cake tin. Personally I think this would be great as a dinner party dessert if you baked it in a fluted rectangle tin, it would look terribly elegant, I really must invest in one soon and give it a try.

So I am nearly all done with my recipes, most of them are typed up and ready to go or have already been posted, I hope you have enjoyed the week of back to back meringue recipes and have fun baking them all at home, this one certainly will not disappoint you, so happy Friday to you all, only two more recipes to go and they are stunners.

Buon appetito


Bitter Chocolate Meringue Tart


Biscuit Base
200g shortbread biscuits
1 tablespoons cocoa powder (Green & Blacks)
50g butter, melted

Bitter chocolate filling
400g 70% cocoa dark chocolate, melted
250ml (1 cup) pouring cream

Meringue topping
150ml egg whites (approximately 4 eggs)
220g (1 cup) caster sugar

Place the biscuits, cocoa and melted butter in a food processor and process for 2-3 minutes or until the mixture resembles fine breadcrumbs.

Press the mixture into a 20cm loose-bottomed round fluted tart tin to create the tart base.

Refrigerate for 15 minutes.

To make the chocolate filling, place the chocolate and cream in a small saucepan over low heat and stir until melted and smooth. Pour over the biscuit base and refrigerate for 30 minutes or until set.

Preheat the oven to 200C, 390F.

To make the meringue topping place the egg whites in the bowl of an electric mixer and beat until soft peaks form (make sure your bowl is completely clean and grease free). Gradually add the sugar and beat until the mixture is thick and glossy. Spoon meringue onto the tart and bake for 15 minutes or until the peaks are golden and the meringue is set.

Allow to cool before serving.

Bitter chocolate meringue tart