Hubby very kindly ordered me a surprise present, another cookery book, I love cookery books so much and it is always fabulous when you receive them as a present. The cookery book in question is Donna Hay’s Seasons, it is huge, like a massive catalogue of gorgeous recipes to die for, I immediately sat down with my mini post it notes and started to work my way thru, I ran out of post it notes, I think that says it all !!!

This book is just crammed full from beginning to end with delicious recipes for all seasons and I know this is very unlike me but I have a list as long as my arm of savoury dishes that I just can not wait to cook and tell you about. The photography is also amazing, there is nothing nicer than stunning food photography that just makes you want to cook and bake everything.

The first recipe that caught my eye was this stunning and simple Caprese salad, Hubby and I are home alone this weekend and thought this would make a gorgeous light brunch to enjoy in the garden with a nice glass of wine, its so easy to prepare, but is huge on flavour and textures, the tomatoes are encased in crispy prosciutto and are baked to perfection, bringing out all their flavours.

I think this dish would make the perfect starter, on a gorgeous serving plate, one tomato per person with a little mozzarella, served beautifully on fresh basil leaves, drizzled in olive oil and served with a gorgeous crusty bread, it is a dish to impress your guests with.

I highly recommend this book, I am a huge Donna Hay fan anyway, her TV series always inspired me and I think this may be the start of a Donna Hay cookery book collection, I just hope that they are all as good as this one.

Buon appetito


Caprese Salad


Serves 4

4 vine-ripened tomatoes
4 slices prosciutto
sea salt and cracked black pepper
extra-virgin olive oil, for drizzling
2 x 125g buffalo mozzarella, torn
1 cup basil leaves
1 tablespoon white wine vinegar
2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil

Preheat oven to 200ºC (390ºF).

Wrap tomatoes in prosciutto and place on a baking tray lined with non-stick baking paper.

Sprinkle with salt and pepper and drizzle with oil.

Caprese Salad

Roast for 10–15 minutes or until the prosciutto is crisp.

Serve with the mozzarella and basil and drizzle with the vinegar and extra oil.