I haven’t posted for a while, its not that I have forgotten you, its just that I am working on some very special summer recipes so that I can bring you some fun themed weeks. I am currently working on meringue and ice cream recipes and even though it is hard work I do love the idea of posting a recipe every day of the week on one special themed subject.

I hope to bring you lots of different flavours, simple versions, tricky versions, traditional and a little bit different versions of some favourite classics. As I have just mentioned, I am currently working on meringue recipes and I only have a couple more to do and I can get them all posted for you, just in time for the summer and gorgeous al fresco dinning and also in time to take advantage of our gorgeous seasonal fruit that is doing so well in this amazing hot weather that we are having.

Once I have completed the meringue recipes I am moving onto ice cream, them hopefully marshmallows, after that who knows, maybe something savoury to give you all a break from sweet things and sugar overload !!!

Anyway, for now I bring you one of our households favourite dinners, Hubby always orders this when we go to Carluccios and he loves recreating the dish at home for the whole family, he was suppose to be writing this post himself as a guest blog post, but I have got fed up with waiting and thought that it would be nice to bring you a recipe so that you know that I am still here and thinking of you all.

I apologise that the recipe is a little vague, but Hubby never follows a recipe or weighs anything, I had to sit and write this recipe up as he cooked it one evening, so please bare with me. It is fairly simple to follow however and the only tip that I can give you is, keep the oil heat low, if you cook the outside of your chicken to quickly you just end up with burnt breadcrumbs and raw chicken on the inside, which is not what you want at all !!!

I hope you enjoy this family favourite, Hubby does have another recipe that he is suppose to be guest blogging for me, but time will tell if he does it or if I do it, but for now, enjoy this lovely weather and…

Buon appetito

 Milanese Di Pollo - Flattened Chicken Breast

6 chicken breast, flatten between cling film with a rolling pin
3 whole eggs, beaten,in a shallow bowl
Plain flour, in a shallow bowl
1/2 stale French stick, blitzed to make breadcrumbs
Rapeseed oil for frying

In a deep frying pain, heat at a low temp about 1 inch of rapeseed oil, check to see if it is ready by dropping in a tiny piece of breadcrumb, if it sizzles your oil it hot enough to start, don’t over heat the oil or the breadcrumbs on the outside of your chicken will cook to quickly and burn before your chicken inside is cooked.

Flatten each chicken breast on a wooden chopping board between cling film using a rolling pin.

Chicken Breast

Coat the flatten chicken in the flour, giving the chicken a little shake to get rid of any excess flour.

Then dip it into the egg, dangling the breast over the bowl so any excess can drip off and then into the breadcrumbs, again giving it a gently shake to remove any loose crumbs.

Egg, flour and breadcrumbs

When the oil is heated, try to fit two to three breasts into your frying pan, don’t overcrowd the pan and fry gently on both sides for about 10 minutes in total or until your crumbs are nice and crisp and golden.

Remove from the pan with a slotted spoon and put on a plate in a low oven about 80 to 100C to keep them warm.

Continue with the rest of the chicken breasts until all are done. Arrange on your serving plate, sprinkle over some sea salt, freshly ground black pepper and lemon wedges to garnish.


Serve with roasted new potatoes and green beans.

Roasted New Potatoes