I may not get time very often to write on my blog, but I promise you that in this case it has been worth the wait as today I bring you one of my all time favourite recipes, a recipe so tasty and so addictive that I hope you will also agree it has been worth waiting for.

Last October my Son Olly turned 18 and we decided to take him to London for a meal, the restaurant of choice was Meat Liquor http://www.meatliquor.com/ , it is not for the faint hearted, not a restaurant I would recommend to take your Nonna, as it is loud and dark, but hopefully not to sound to old, and I hope I am not using the wrong terminology here, as I really do not want to show my age to much, but it is very hip, trendy and funky, we loved it and I can not wait to try the Brighton one in the Summer. All the food http://www.meatliquor.com/?attachment_id=143 was amazing and the cocktails http://www.meatliquor.com/?attachment_id=144 are just hilarious, I have added the links so you can check it our for yourself.


meat liquor


So back to the wings, I have not stopped thinking about these delicious spicy chicken wings since October, I am just sorry that it has taken this long to try and make them at home and get the recipe onto the blog so that we never lose it.

Lets start with the spicy chicken wings, I wouldn’t recommend having these too regularly, they are a cholesterol nightmare, but they will blow your mind, so simple to make but the taste is off the hook, its fun food to eat, like all finger food is, these spicy little wings can be tailored to your own taste and made as hot as you can handle. We had ours fairly mild as we were having them with the kids, but they are zingy, crispy and the perfect comfort food.

The blue cheese dip is so ridiculously easy to make and adds an extra dimension of flavour and a cooling note to the wings, in fact the dip is so stunning on its own that I will be making it to serve as a salad dressing, to pour over gnocchi or just as a dip with crudités and Doritos, even on a jacket potato it would be amazing.

So I hope I have wetted your appetite and you will give these a go and maybe after you have tried these delicious little wings you may be inspired to try Meat Liquor for yourself, its well worth the visit, the best burgers ever!!

Buon appetito

spicy chicken wings


For the Chicken Wings
1.5 Kg of Chicken wings
1 Litre of Oil for frying (Eg Sunflower)
1 bottle of Franks Original Hot Sauce (available on Ocado)
230 g of salted butter
Jamaican hot sauce or Tabasco to taste

Blue Cheese Dip
50g Danish blue or other strong blue cheese, crumbled
Heaped tablespoon of buttermilk
Tablespoon of mayonnaise
Heaped table spoon of sour cream
1 Crushed clove of garlic
tablespoon white wine vinegar

Thoroughly mix all of the dip ingredients together and add more cheese if necessary. Leave to one side.

Preheat oven to 80C. Heat the entire bottle of oil in a heavy based large saucepan over a medium to high heat, we used the deep fat fryer. When it is shimmering and little bubbles are visible (about 10 minutes) add the chicken carefully using metal tongs or a slotted metal spoon. Please be careful, it will spit and will be very hot ! You may need to cook the chicken in two or three batches.

Make sure the chicken doesn’t stick to the bottom and turn occasionally. It will take about 10 minutes to cook – when they are golden remove and put in oven to keep warm while you fry the next batch of chicken. If you only doing a small batch you will not have to worry about this, but trust me, make loads, they are gorgeous and very very addictive ! You have been warned !

While the chicken is frying, melt the butter in another pan and add the entire bottle of Franks hot sauce, mix well, it may look like its curdling but don’t panic all will be fine. Add the Franks Original Hot Sauce to taste.

Mix the cooked chicken wings in the butter and hot sauce mixture and serve with the blue cheese dip. Serve with skinny fries or for a healthier option and for a starter serve with crudités.

Any left over blue cheese tip is worth its weight in gold, it would make a stunning salad dressing or perfect to serve with gnocchi.

Serves 2 or 3/4 as a starter.

spicy chicken wings