When I decided to look at my diet and started to eat healthily I thought that incorporating it into my every day lifestyle and also making it interesting would be very hard, also with a really bad sweet tooth and a love of cake as big as mine I actually thought that it would be an impossible task, but with the help of ‘The Clean Eating Cookbook‘ it has been so simple, I am not sure what I am going to do when I have cooked my way through the entire book, but hey, I am already browsing Amazon and Pinterest for new inspiration and if anyone knows of any great clean eating recipes or cookery books please let me know.

Todays recipe is Asian Ginger Pork, we are now so lucky to be able to find the most interesting and unusual ingredients in our local supermarkets, if that fails there is always the internet, you can buy pretty much anything now a days and I have brought many unusual ingredients over the years. Todays unusual ingredient is Tamari, unlike most Asian seasonings Tamari is a type of soy sauce that contains very little or no wheat and is less salty than regular soy sauce and so can be used as part of a clean eating diet.

Also all because I am following a clean eating diet, it doesn’t mean that you can not make any of these recipes with ingredients that you have at home, white rice instead of brown, soy sauce instead of Tamari, as always, cooking is about making it your own, using what you have to hand and putting your own flair onto it.

This dish is again so full of flavour, I thought that sticking to correct portion sizes I would be hungry, but they are all fairly generous and the brown rice not only fills you up, but leaves you feeling fuller for longer but without that dreadful bloated feeling. What really brings this recipe to life is not the ginger like you may think, but the orange juice and zest, it lifts this meal to a whole new dimension of freshness.

So once again, a simple, nutritious meal, that is high in protein and a super food and you won’t even know that its so good for you as it tastes so good. Who said that anything that tasted good was bad for you was wrong 😉

Buon appetito

Asian Ginger Pork


Serves 4

450g (Approx) pork tenderloin, trimmed of any visible fat
Freshly ground black pepper
1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil (I always use Rapeseed Oil)
1 tablespoon freshly grated ginger
1 teaspoon garlic
1 tablespoon tamari
Fresh juice and zest of 1 orange
1/2 cup of low/reduced salt vegetable stock
3 spring onions
1/2 red pepper, seeded and cut into thin strips

Preheat the oven to 400F, 200C.

Season the pork lightly all over with the freshly ground black pepper.

Heat a large ovenproof pan over a medium-high heat and add the oil. Brown the pork on all sides.

Put the pan in the oven and roast the pork for 20 minutes or until cooked through. Check the packaging for correct cooking times. Remove the meat to a plate and cover to keep warm.

Do not clean the pan, place it on a medium heat. Add the ginger and garlic to the pan and saute for 1 minute, then add the tamari, orange juice and zest, and stock.

Simmer the sauce for 15 minutes and remove from the heat.

Stir in the spring onions and peppers to coat.

Slice the pork into 1 inch slices and toss then with the sauce, along with and juices from the plate.

Serve over brown rice or your favourite whole grain.
