So here is CLEAN EATING recipe number two, Lemon Brown Rice Salad, I know the photo may make it look a little bland, but don’t under estimate this yummy, filing and very good for you salad. We had it as a main dinner last night but it would be great as a side dish served with freshly grilled meat off the BBQ.

The recipe is simply to make, a great way to use up left over cold chicken or cooked beans, but if cooking from fresh, I highly recommend serving this dish warm. I cooked the chicken in the oven by placing it in a baking dish with celery sticks, a lemon cut in wedges, a couple of cups of water and gently rested the chicken breast on top of the lemon and celery so that it gently poached and was lovely and moist. I turned the chicken over half way through the cooking time so that it was evenly cooked, allowed it to rest while the rice finished cooking and then cut it into strips to add to the salad.

Another tip is to steam the green beans rather than boil them, this way you will save far more nutrients or you could just add them raw if you like them uncooked.

This salad is so full of flavour, the chicken acts like a sponge and absorbs all the flavours from the dressing, you feel full without that over stuffed feeling, you feel fuller for longer because the brown rice breaks down slower in your body, giving you energy for longer and this is another high protein recipe that tastes great so you don’t feel deprived.

I hope you enjoy this recipe and now I am all blogged out for the day, the sun is out so time to spend some time in the garden, hopefully this year we are hoping to grow as much as we can, no air miles, no chemicals, just good clean food.

Buon appetito

Recipe from ‘The Clean Eating Cookbook & Diet’.

Lemon Brown Rice Salad


Serves 4 – High Protein

For the Salad
2 cups of cooked brown rice (just follow the instructions on the packet, I always cook for the longer time given)
4 skinless, boneless chicken breasts (cooked & chopped)
4 spring onions, thinly sliced
250g cherry tomatoes, halved
250/300g green beans, cut into 1 inch pieces
3 tablespoons fresh parsley, chopped

For the dressing
4 tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice
2 tablespoons of Dijon mustard
1 garlic clove, crushed
4 tablespoons Extra-Virgin Olive Oil
Freshly ground black pepper

To make the dressing, whisk together all of the dressing ingredients apart from the black pepper. I use an old jam jar with a tight fitting lid, just measure all the ingredients into the jar, pop on the lid and shake, perfectly mixed salad dressing.

In a large bowl, combine all the salad ingredients, pour over the dressing and mix well until everything is evenly coated in the yummy mustard dressing.

Serve warm or cold.

Perfect to have for an evening supper and then take the left overs cold to work for lunch.