OMG this caramelised balsamic onion and gruyere pizza was so yummy, so addictive and moreish that I was rather pleased that Luca didn’t like it, it meant that I got to eat his as well, LOL ! Have you ever eaten anything that is so yum that even though you are completely full you just can not let it go to waste ??? Well this was just like that, or I am just a greedy pig, either way, I loved it.

As with all dough, its not complicated, it just takes time, as I always say, time for you to go and do other fun and interesting things, or maybe just the ironing, but apart from a few minutes putting a few ingredients together, dough really is that simple. Hubby and I used our time wisely, we sat snuggled under the huge blanket that I have knitted for the lounge, curtains drawn, candles lit, watching the last few episodes of Luther. A lovely way to spend a Saturday afternoon on a rather chilly Spring day.

I think what gives this pizza its WOW factor is obviously the caramelised balsamic onions, cooked down slowly the smell is amazing, you can taste the sweetness in the air, add that to the gruyere cheese which is sweet but slightly salty, creamy and nutty, it all comes together on the pizza dough in a way that can not fail to delight.

If like Luca you have someone in your household that is not keen on caramelised onions, mad I know, but it does happen !! Why not make the dough, divide it like the recipe suggests rather than making one large one like we did and let who ever doesn’t like the onions add the toppings of their dreams. This dough was so delicious that I will definitely be making it as a healthy pizza base for all future pizzas and I can not wait to try it as a base for a roasted garlic and parmesan flatbread, great as a side dish but perfect to have served as a snack with a glass of wine.

So that is all of this weeks trio of recipes done, it was not my intention to bring you three like this each week, just funny how things have turned out, but I really hope that you enjoy the recipes as much as we have eating them and as promised I will try to get back to some baking soon, I do so miss it, but just do not seem to get the time 🙁

Buon appetito

Caramelised Balsamic Onion and Gruyere Pizza

For the Dough :

1 Tablespoon active dry yeast
1 teaspoon sugar
1 1/4 cups hot water (hand hot, or else you will kill the yeast)
1 pound all-purpose flour, sifted (I used wholemeal spelt)
2 teaspoons salt
Extra flour for dusting work surface

For Caramelized Balsamic Onions:

2 teaspoons vegetable oil
2 medium white onions, thinly sliced (about 4 cups)
2 teaspoons sea salt
½ teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
¼ cup sugar
1/3 cup balsamic vinegar

For Pizza:

2 Tablespoons olive oil
2 garlic cloves, minced
2 cups shredded gruyere
Cornmeal, for dusting sheet tray or pizza stone
Chopped chives, for garnish

In a large bowl, dissolve the yeast, sugar and 1 tablespoon all-purpose flour in the hot water. Let sit for 10 minutes.

Mound the flour on your work surface and sprinkle in the salt. Use a fork to incorporate the two ingredients then form a large well in the centre of the flour.

Pour the dissolved yeast mixture into the centre of the well and then little by little, use a fork to pull flour from the well into the centre. Continue until mixture begins to thicken.

Using your hands, begin kneading the dough until it comes together. Continue kneading until all of the flour has been incorporated evenly into the dough. Shape it into a ball.

Yes you guessed it, I did all of the above in my food mixer with the dough hook !

Place the dough into a greased bowl and cover it with a greased piece of parchment paper. Let it rest for one hour in a warm, dry place until it doubles in size.

Knock down the dough on your floured work surface then cut it into the desired amounts. We made one big one and cut it into four after cooking, it just made cooking it far more easier.

Place the dough onto a greased baking sheet and cover it again with a damp towel. Let the dough rise a second time for one more hour.

Knock down the dough sections a second time then roll it into the desired shape, top it with the above ingredients as directed below or your desired toppings and bake it in a 260C/500ºF oven until golden brown.

While the dough is proving you can prepare the onions. Heat the vegetable oil in a large pan over medium heat for 2 minutes.

Add the onions, salt, and pepper and cook, stirring occasionally, for 20 minutes until onions are soft.

Add the sugar and reduce the heat to medium-low. Cook the onions, stirring frequently, for 10 minutes. The smell is amazing.

Add the balsamic vinegar and reduce the heat to low. Continue cooking the onions, stirring occasionally, for 1 hour until they are very soft and dry. Set aside. We found that ours were done after 30 minutes, any longer and I think they would of been burnt.

When your oven has reached 260C/500ºF and your dough has finished proving,roll the dough out on a lightly floured surface until it is roughly ¼-inch thick.

Using a large baking sheet or pizza stone if you have one, sprinkle it liberally with cornmeal. Transfer the dough to cornmeal-dusted sheet/stone.

Combine the olive oil and garlic and brush it over the dough, leaving a ½-inch border along the edges. Top it with half of the shredded gruyere, then sprinkle on the prepared balsamic onions and top with the remaining cheese.

Bake pizza for 10 to 12 minutes, rotating half-way through, until crust is fully baked and golden brown.

Garnish with chopped chives, slice and serve.