Well I have to admit it, I am loving the slow cooker !!! There, I said it, its out there. What I really love about it, apart from the fact that it is so easy to use is, you just dump all the ingredients into the pot, leave it to do its thing and get on with life, but what I truly love is the amazing tasty and healthy food that it produces. I do have to admit that so far the meals from ‘Against All Grain’ have been fantastic and blog worthy, but we tried one last night that we found on the internet and it wasn’t that great. So time to look on Amazon for a healthy slow cooker cookery book ! Its a case of trial and error and as is always the case, I only blog the ones that we have enjoyed, that have worked and are yummy.

This recipe is from ‘Against All Grain’ so fits into my clean eating regime, it is truly delicious, the rich, sticky, sweet and sour sauce is a delight and it was one that all the family loved.The sauce is thick and glazes the chicken perfectly with a hint of orange in it and the chicken is so tender it just falls apart.  I loved it so much, especially with the coconut-lime rice that it could easily replace the take-away version any day, no monosodium glutamate, no nasties at all and no starchy rice, perfect.

You will see in the recipe below that again there were quite a few ingredients, many that again you may find hiding away in your cupboard, but please do not let that put you off, the amount of ingredients does not indicate that there is a lot of preparation or hard work involved, you just pop the chicken into the bottom of the slow cooker, mix the other ingredients together and bung them all over the chicken, pop on the lid and just leave it to cook, simple ! You then put your feet up with your favourite magazine and a nice cup of tea or go off and in my case paint, here is what I have been up to recently…

Before !


After !


The great thing is, I get enough time to do a coat of paint, or a varnish or wax, but still have the comfort of knowing that dinner is sorted and I can just go back in from the workshop and dish up. There was a lot of controversy over if I should paint this piece or not, I lived with it for a while to help me to decide, in the end, because it was rather beaten up I decided to paint it.

Well I digress, but upcycling furniture is as much of a passion to me as cooking is!

So back to the cooking, I know we have a couple more meals this week that require the slow cooker, both from the internet, so we will see how they turn out and I will post them if they are any good, I will also be posting the recipe for the gorgeous coconut-lime rice that we had with this dish and will add the link below for this.

So I had better go now, I need to decide if I can face Eridge Decorative Living Fair in the rain or should I pop to my local Annie Sloan stockist and get more paint and get back out into the workshop, decisions, decisions !!! Thankfully using the slow cooker is much easier to do.

Buon appetito

Note : I think that this sauce would also be gorgeous on ribs, Yum !

sesame orange chicken

Serves 6

900g boneless, skinless chicken thighs
1/3 cup (5 tablespoons) coconut aminos (we used Tamari, but you could use Soy Sauce if you didn’t need it to be gluten free)
1/3 cup (5 tablespoons) honey
2 tablespoons orange juice
2 tablespoons tomato paste
1 tablespoon toasted sesame oil
2 teaspoons minced garlic
1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
3/4 teaspoon sea salt
1/2 teaspoon red pepper flakes
1/4 teaspoons freshly ground black pepper
Sesame seeds to garnish

Trim any visible fat from the chicken, then place it in a single layer in the bottom of a slow cooker.

Place the remaining ingredients, except for the sesame seeds, in a bowl, whisk together and pour over the chicken.


Turn the chicken once to ensure an even coating.

sesame orange chicken

Cook the chicken on low for 4 hours.

Remove the chicken from the sauce and cut into cubes.

Spoon any fat off of the top of the sauce, then transfer the sauce to a small saucepan.

Simmer the sauce over a medium heat for 20 minutes, until it has reduced by half and is thick and shiny.

Toss the chicken in the sauce and serve with a sprinkle of sesame seeds.

Serve with rice or with coconut-lime rice.


coconut lime rice