I thought that is was about time that I brought you something a little naughty, something with chocolate in and something that the whole family would love, simple to make, nice and quick, these marshmallow brownies fit the bill perfectly.

I know that I already have a brownie recipe on my blog and to be honest, it is the perfect brownie recipe, if you want rich, moist, indulgent dessert like brownies then these are the brownies for you, the recipe makes a larger batch but they are rather expensive to make due to the amount of eggs used and the huge amount of chocolate. The recipe for marshmallow brownies doesn’t use chocolate at all, but uses cocoa powder instead, with only two eggs in the recipe I was worried about how these were going to turn out, I hate dry brownies, a good brownie should always have an almost uncooked dough like texture in the middle for me and these brownies didn’t disappoint, I think thats where the marshmallows come in to play.

I was worried making this recipe, it was once again measured in cups (I hate cups) and I felt that the dough was a little thick, the recipe said to pour! Mine certainly didn’t pour! There was also no tin size suggestion, or any mention of melting the butter! Pushing the marshmallows in so that they were under the dough was also a little tricky, but I shouldn’t of worried as they came out fine and the result was delicious rich and gooey brownies.

The only problem now is, I have to wait for everyone to come home to share them, but they taste so good and it is taking all my will power not to sit in the garden with a nice cup of tea, Period Living magazine and scoff the lot, LOL ! I must resist !

Once again this isn’t a healthy recipe, but due to the lack of chocolate and fat free marshmallows they must be a little bit better for you, don’t they ????

Buon appetito

marshmallow brownies

3/4 cups cocoa powder
1 1/4 cups sugar
1/4 tsp salt
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 cup all plain flour
2 large eggs
120g (1/2 cup) butter (melted)
9 large marshmallows
Preheat your oven to 350 degrees

Grease (or, line with parchment paper) a brownie tin. I always line my tins and the recipe didn’t give any sizes, so I used a 10′ by 7′ ceramic rectangular dish.

In a bowl, mix all your dry ingredients together, and then add your eggs and butter, mix until no lumps are left.

Pour your brownie mix into your pan and add in your marshmallows, make sure to push them in so the batter covers the top of the marshmallows.

Bake at 350F, 180C for 20-30 mins

Let cool before cutting and enjoy!

marshmallow brownies