It is no secret that I have a passion for cookery books, what I really love are cookery books that have been recommended and one of the best places for this is on Instagram, the lovely girls that I follow often post photos of books that they are using and reading and the above book was one of them. I can not remember anything about the post but just that the book caught my eye, so I checked it out on Amazon and it was only available secondhand and cost just over £2, a bargain! I went through it with my post it notes and have about 20 recipes that I want to try, a great purchase 🙂

It is full of gorgeous recipes that are simple, honest and bang in season, all the ingredients are easily available and just reading through all seem very simple to prepare, so hopefully I will be able to bring you some lovely new recipes over the coming weeks.

The first recipe, mint hollandaise sauce, we decided to make as by coincidence we were having lamb for dinner that night, we also had most of the ingredients in the cupboard and I recently potted up a supermarket mint and it has gone mad, so we were all set, plus my Hubby is the maestro of hollandaise.

This minted hollandaise sauce is light and refreshing and worked wonderfully with the lamb, cutting through the richness of the meat, but it would also work well on lovely spring vegetables like asparagus and everyone loved it, even the fussy eaters at the table.

I know that hollandaise can be one of those things that people fear, its a bit like mayonnaise, but really it is very simple, just take your time, follow the instructions carefully and you will be fine.

Buon appetito

mint hollandaise sauce

Serves 6

100ml white wine
1 shallot, peeled and finely chopped
140g butter
3 large egg yolks
sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
Tabasco sauce
Juice of 1 lemon
A good handful of young mint leaves

In a small pan boil the wine and shallot together until reduced by half. Melt the butter in a separate pan.

Place the egg yolks into a blender or processor, and season well with salt and pepper. Add a dash of Tabasco and a squeeze of lemon juice, and whizz to mix.

Now with the motor running pour in the hot wine mixture followed by the hot butter, adding this in a thin stream. Add the picked mint leaves and whizz for a further few minutes. Taste, correct the seasoning and serve.
