I have mentioned a few times in recent posts that I have been rather busy setting up a new business, well I thought that I would tell you all a little bit more about it, you all know that I love to cook and over the years you would also know and would of noticed that I love feathering my nest for my Hubby, Children and Friends, I want my home to not only be welcoming with the yummy smells of freshly baked cakes but I also feel that a home should be a home, you should just be able to relax and feel at ease, safe, warm and welcome and I have spent a lot of time sourcing the right bits  and also have made many things or refurbished them.

The house is now full but I still wanted to create, so I came up with the idea of making pieces to sell, I didn’t know if it would do well or if anyone would ever buy anything but hey, I gave it ago !!!

Well I really was not prepared for what happened, in minutes of going live orders started to flood in, I had people asking if they could commission pieces and I had to start a waiting list for new pieces, I was completely overwhelmed by everyone’s response and I was just so pleased that everyone loved my work. I now have customers that have come back time and time again for pieces and I now like to think of them as my friends as they have all been so lovely sending me thank you emails and posting such lovely comments on Instagram.

It has however meant that I have neglected Gelsomina’s Cucina a little, but I hope you all understand and I will from time to time be adding new recipes. Please check out the links below for more information on Diana’s House.

Website : https://www.dianashouse.co.uk/

Instagram : http://instagram.com/dianashouse

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dianashouse8

Twitter : https://twitter.com/dianashouse8

La mia casa e la tua casa 🙂
