Please excuse the photo’s on this post, but by the time I got round to writing this they had all gone, a good sign that they were good, but still frustrating when you have a blog to write up ! I will definitely be baking these again and promise to take better photo’s next time and will get them posted ASAP.

These Paleo Breakfast Cookies are once again sugar free, but seriously sugar free, no maple syrup or honey, just the natural sugars in the apple sauce and dried fruit, they are also gluten free, fat free and so are generally just really really good for you. You can eat them any time, completely guilt free and even though they are labelled as breakfast cookies and so good for those rushed mornings when all you have time for is a quick coffee, I found that they also came in handy for that afternoon energy slump and also as a treat after dinner when I was craving something sweet.

What I have noticed is, even though I am trying to follow a sugar free and extremely healthy diet, I am never hungry, in fact I am eating more than I ever normally would and my weight has stayed exactly the same, which is great. Normally on a diet you starve yourself, see no loss in weight and all you achieve is feeling hungry, tired and grumpy. I didn’t embark on this pathway to loose weight, at 46 I am 5ft 4 and weigh 8st 12lb and a size 6/8, I am more than happy with that, I am not bragging and I know I am very lucky with my genes, but I am also aware that I am rapidly approaching 50, weight will be gained more easily, fat harder to get rid of and generally my body will start to slow down, will age and be harder to repair. I have always believed that we are what we eat and that prevention is better than cure and so far its be a good strategy.

Since being on this diet I have also noticed that my skin is looking clearer, my hair is more shiny, I don’t get bloated, I am looking leaner and I have bags and bags of energy and thats with me only following a sugar free diet very basically. After the move and when I am back to work I will be far more stricter and look forward to seeing even more results.

So I am sorry to keep banging on about all things sugar free, but I do like to bring a little bit of everything to my blog, I have everything from Italian, Greek, extremely naughty and fatting, clean eating, sugar free, occasions, breakfasts to dinners, hopefully something for everyone and I hope you all enjoy the blog wether you are regulars or new comers, every one is welcome here.

Buon appetito

Taken from I can highly recommend Danielle Walker’s website and her cookery books, her story is truly amazing and inspiring.

Paleo Breakfast Cookies

¼ cup coconut flour
½ cup almond butter
6 pitted dried dates, soaked in warm water for 15 minutes
¾ cups shredded coconut
½ cup unsweetened applesauce (see recipe below)
2 medium eggs
½ tablespoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon vanilla
¼ teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon baking soda
2 tablespoons dried unsweetened dark cherries
2 tablespoons chopped walnuts
3 tablespoons currants

Preheat your oven to 350F/180C.

If you’re doing the vegan version, whisk your ground flax and warm water in a bowl and let it sit for 5-10 minutes until it has thickened.

Combine the coconut flour, almond butter, and dates in a food processor. Process until well combined and the dates have broken up into really small pieces, about a minute.

Add the shredded coconut, applesauce, eggs, cinnamon, vanilla, salt and baking soda and process for 30 seconds until a wet dough forms.

Add in the remaining ingredients, and pulse once or twice until the fruit is incorporated into the dough but chopped up.

Using an ice cream scoop or large tablespoon, drop the dough in heaping spoonfuls onto a non stick baking sheet or parchment paper.

Dip a metal spatula in water, and use the bottom to lightly press down each ball of dough. These cookies will not spread or rise so make sure to make them the shape you want them prior to baking.

Bake for 12-15 minutes, until they are golden on top and slightly brown along the edges.

Recipe for unsweetened apple sauce :-

4 apples, peeled, cored and chopped
3/4 – 1 cup water
1 tbsp lemon juice
1 tsp ground cinnamon, optional
1/2 tsp vanilla essence, optional

Place 3/4 cup water in a pot and bring to a boil before adding in all the other ingredients, and cover with a lid. This should be allowed to simmer for about 5-10 minutes, or until the apples are tender.

Depending on what you are using this for you can either mash it all together with a fork and let cool before serving it.

If using this in a recipe or as a sauce, blend it using a hand blender (or standard blender) after it is cooked.

Add the remaining 1/4 cup water if necessary to get the smooth creamy consistency.

Note : My advice would be to make a large batch and freeze in small portions, then you can use it as and when.