Magic !!! Yes Magic !!! Can these really be classed as Magic Custard Cake, I actually think they can and I have to admit that whilst making the batter I was thinking more epic fail than magic. It just seems a little odd mixing all these ingredients together, filling a baking tray with a very watery batter and trust that it will not only bake, but bake into different layers, but it works, and the results are just yummy.

It reminds me of a custard tart, the sponge is so light and fluffy and the custard is set to perfection, its creamy, tasty and just heavenly. I just know it is going to be one of those that I crave for, its like the most perfect comfort food and I know that tomorrow morning this will be what will be accompanying my morning espresso.

As you will see below, I have taken quite a few photos of the process, this is just because this could be a little tricky to bake if you are new to baking, getting egg whites to stiff peaks and folding them into such a wet batter without losing the air that you have created is by no means easy, then there is the stage where it just looks curdled, even I was beginning to panic a little. I though by adding photos of each stage you would be able to see if you were getting it right or not.

Please don’t be put off trying this, its all really easy and its well worth the effort.

Buon appetito

magic custard cake


4 large eggs, separated at room temperature
¾ cup granulated sugar
½ cup unsalted butter, at room temperature (113g)
¾ cup all-purpose flour
2 cups milk, lukewarm
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
icing sugar for dusting
Preheat oven to 325F, 160C . Lightly grease an 8 x 8 inch square cake pan and line with parchment paper.

Warm milk in microwave and set aside.

Using an electric mixer, whisk egg whites on high speed until soft peaks are formed. Transfer to another bowl. Set aside.

egg white

Add egg yolks and sugar to mixing bowl and beat until smooth, creamy and pale yellow in colour.


Add butter and continue mixing for approximately 2-3 minutes on high speed.
Mix in flour until incorporated.

Slowly add the milk and vanilla, beating at low speed.


Gently fold in egg whites, ⅓ at a time. The batter will be quite thin. It will be difficult to fully incorporate the egg whites.


Note : At this stage it does look a bit of a mess, but trust me it works, just be gentle and keep folding in the egg white !

Pour batter into prepared cake pan.

Bake 50-60 minutes or until top is lightly golden and firm to the touch.
Let cool completely.

magic custard cake

Dust with icing sugar.

magic custard cake