I am on a roll this week, blog posts galore, but its hard to juggle home, the business, life, and still find time to give attention to Gelsominas Cucina but as I said before I am loving being back in the kitchen and if I find a recipe that I love I just have to get it on here as soon as I can, and these Maple Pecan Brownies are so delicious that I just had to try them almost straight from the oven and then get the recipe typed up. Well thats my excuse and I am sticking to it !

The smell wafting around the kitchen was rich and intoxicating, anything baked with maple syrup in always has that warming grounding smell that only baking can evoke and I know that Luca will be home from school soon and the first thing that he will ask is ‘can I have one’. I love him coming home to something freshly baked, I know that it isn’t completely sin free but baked with oats, maple syrup and unbleached sugar, with no added colours or preservatives I would rather he had these than something that he had brought from the shops. You could even make them even more healthy by using spelt flour, unbleached flour or wholemeal flour, I will definitely be trying this next time, but just wanted to test the recipe first.

The recipe that I found on Pinterest called them Blondies, but really they are just cake, the sponge is light, the nuts give a delicious crunch and the maple syrup and brown sugar give a little chew to the bite which is just heavenly. What more can you ask for, they are perfect to have with an afternoon cup of tea, help get you through the afternoon and then you can enjoy another sneaky one when the kids get home, sat round the table, hearing about their day, what can be more perfect than that.

They are fairly simple to bake, I know the recipe is in cups, but I promise you do get use to them and some people actually prefer them. The only aggro is having to blitz the oats, if you do not have a food processor this is going to be a problem, but you may be able to buy them already ground. Doing a little research I discovered that these were a copy of a Trader Joe’s recipe, now I have never heard of Trader Joe’s, so decided to look them up. They are based in America and it is quite an interesting story, if you are interested here is a link to there website, Trader Joe’s .

So I had better get back to the kitchen, I currently have a Hummingbird style cake cooling in the tin which needs removing before rushing out to buy a new Dyson. Mine decided to blow up this morning, not great timing as I have a packed day, but at least I can finally replace the dreadful cylinder for an upright that my back may just be able to deal with. Every cloud !!! Then its back to finish the cleaning and get the frosting for the cake made and hopefully get the orders finished for Diana’s House, but hey, Rome wasn’t built in a day !

Buon appetito



½ cup rolled oats
85g / 6 tablespoons butter, melted
¾ cup brown sugar
½ cup maple syrup
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 egg
1 generous pinch of salt
1 cup flour
1 cup chopped walnuts or pecans

Preheat oven to 175F / 350 degrees.

Grease an 8×8-inch pan and line with parchment paper. Set aside.

Place the oats in a food processor and pulse until coarsely ground. Set aside.

In a large bowl, whisk together the butter and brown sugar until slightly lightened in colour. Add in the syrup, egg, and vanilla, and whisk until thoroughly combined.

Using a spatula, stir in the ground oats, flour, and salt until just combined. Fold in the walnuts. Pour batter into the prepared pan, spreading evenly.


Bake for 30-35 minutes, until the edges are golden and the centre is set.

Allow to cool in the pan, then use the parchment paper to lift the blondies out the pan. Cut into pieces and serve.

Store in an airtight container for up to 4 days.

Maple Pecan Blondies