As you may know, if you are a regular to my blog, we recently moved to Kent, buying our first house after years of renting was really scary but also really liberating. For the first time in years we have been able to really create our own space and I have never felt more content. What is lovely is that I am enjoying being back in the kitchen baking, which hopefully means many more blog posts of yummy cakes.

However, I hate the kitchen !!! Its practical, its clean, it works, but its so horrible and new kitchens are soooo expensive. I am trying so hard to create a cottage feel in our new home and the modern kitchen with its vile red tiles drives me up the wall. I know exactly want I want and hopefully soon I may be able to achieve it. Patience is required !!! I may have to sell one of the kids, but needs must !!!

The rest of the house is coming along nicely, I have put in hours and hours of labour decorating and it really feels so warm and so cosy, everyone that comes here says that it feels like home. I love that I finally have a long old fashioned washing line, I love that we can all eat at the table in the conservatory, it all just works and hopefully now I can get back to my other business ‘Diana’s House‘ and concentrate on getting lots of new pieces on to the website.

Anyway, I digress, back to the recipe and boy is it a good one. Quick, simple and great for a midweek supper when you want something hearty, yummy and that doesn’t take hours to cook. This pulled pork sweet potato hash with eggs went down a treat with all family members, no complaints, just clean plates all round and even seconds were asked for. Hubby did use pre-cooked gammon, just so that we didn’t have to wait hours for the pork to be ready, but it really worked. Gammon, eggs and sweet potato to me are a match made in heaven.

Hubby even made sure that the eggs were cooked until soft and we had the added delight of being able to dip the bread in to the yolks. You know me, its the little things that make me smile.

It really is a foodie modern version of corn beef hash, which I also love but I just love to try new recipes and bring them to you if they pass the family taste test. This was great as a weeknight dinner/supper but would also make a great brunch. I hope you give this a try and I hope that your friends and family enjoy it as much as we did.

Buon appetito

washing line

Serves: 4-6

1 ½ pounds of sweet potatoes
½ red onion, diced
8 ounces cooked pulled pork (about 2 cups)
2 tablespoons butter
2 tablespoons oil
4-6 eggs
Salt and pepper
Optional: hot sauce or barbecue sauce (not an optional in our house, a must, every meal comes with Hubby having hot sauce and Luca having BBQ sauce !!!)
Peel and chop sweet potatoes into bite-size pieces (about ½ inch cubes).

Heat skillet on a medium-low heat with butter and oil. Cook sweet potatoes in skillet until golden brown, stirring occasionally, about 12-14 minutes. Add red onion, sprinkle with salt, and continue to cook until the onion is soft, about 5 minutes. Salt and pepper to taste.

Turn burner on low. Make small pockets in the pulled pork sweet potato hash to fit the eggs in. Carefully crack an egg into each pocket. Cover and let cook until eggs are set. Just before serving, sprinkle with fresh coriander, salt and pepper and lots of crusty bread for egg dipping.

If you want to cook your own pork :-

Cook a pork shoulder (or other cut) in a crockpot the day before. Put the shoulder in the crockpot with a ½ cup of liquid (water, wine, or beer work well) and let it cook on low for about 6-8 hours. Shred with fork.
