This is just going to be a very quick blog post, but I just wanted to get this recipe on so that I didn’t lose it, I know it is not much of a looker and I must admit when I first saw it I was not overwhelmed by it, I was actually quite shocked that Hubby had chosen this one from the many that I send to him via Pinterest for his approval, but something must of appealed to him and I am so pleased that it did.

This Chicken Salsa Casserole is a dish that you should not judge a book by its cover, it actually knocks your socks off in flavour and is one of those meals that every mouth seems to have a different taste to it. I love dishes like that, you just don’t get bored with it.

The rice is so full of flavour, a little hot and spicy, but not overpoweringly so, you could always add more or less chilli to suit your taste, its filling and a great meal to bring to the table to serve. We had Max over for dinner and he was most impressed and said how much he loved just being able to dive in for seconds, always a great recommendation for any meal I think.

The chicken is so moist where it has basically steamed with all the flavours from the salsa, the cheese on top takes it to a whole new level and then the spring onions on the top just finish it off nicely by cutting through the cheese with a freshness that just brings the whole dish together.

It was quick, simple to make and like yesterdays blog post great for a mid week supper/dinner, we all loved it and I hope you do too.

Buon appetito

chicken salsa casserole

1 cup uncooked rice (we pre-cooked ours, please see note)
1 cup frozen sweetcorn kernels (thawed)
1 (400g / 15 oz.) can black beans
1 (226g / 16 oz.) jar salsa
1 cup chicken broth
½ Tbsp chilli powder
½ Tsp oregano
2 large (1.5 lbs.) chicken breasts
1 cup shredded cheddar cheese
1 bunch spring onions, sliced

Preheat the oven to 375C, 190F.

Drain and briefly rinse the black beans.

Add the dry rice, black beans, corn, salsa, chicken broth, chili powder, and oregano to an 8×8 inch casserole dish ( you will see that we ignored the casserole dish sizes in the photos, but it worked). Stir until everything is evenly combined.


NOTE : I found this recipe via Pinterest and read the notes at the bottom of the article, one Lady said that it just didn’t cook in the time allowed, she had to turn up her oven and it took over 2 hours to finally cook, so we pre-cooked our rice and it worked perfectly, just follow the instructions on the packet, we cooked ours for 12 minutes and allowed it to finish off in the dish to absorb all the flavours. It would also be a great way of using up left over rice.


Cut the chicken breasts into three pieces each. Push the chicken pieces down into the rice salsa mixture in the casserole dish. Try to push them down as far into the liquid as they’ll go. Cover the casserole dish tightly with foil. Bake for one hour if cooking from scratch, 30 minutes if using pre-cooked rice.

Take the casserole dish out of the oven, test the rice with a fork to make sure it is tender, (this won’t be necessary if you have pre-cooked your rice). If it is not, recover the dish, return it to the oven, and bake for 10-15 minutes more. When the rice is tender, sprinkle the cheese over top and return the casserole to the oven for a few minutes, or until the cheese has melted. Add the sliced spring onions on top after baking and serve hot.