So today I have one of my favourite Ladies in the world coming over for lunch, I have known her for about 20 years or more and I adore spending time with her, she just gets me and sometimes thats all that you need. We share a love of so many things from our families, to interiors to food. It always gives me such a lift spending time with her.

I have decided to make for us a gorgeous brunch that Hubby and I shared at the weekend, it comes from Waitrose’s June edition of Waitrose Kitchen, which is a free magazine if you are a Waitrose member or £1.20 if not, either way it is a great magazine to pick up each month as it is always packed full of wonderful seasonal recipes.

This recipe, Elderflower dressed broad beans and leaves with Burrata, is right up my street, in the magazine the photo’s had been dressed beautifully with fresh flowers, which was what originally caught my attention, then when I saw that they dressing had elderflower in it, I was totally sold.

If you haven’t heard of Burrata it is a fresh Italian cheese made from mozzarella and cream. The outer shell is solid mozzarella, while the inside contains both mozzarella and cream, giving it an unusual, soft texture. If you can not find this in the shops, just use mozzarella. To be honest I think feta or goats cheese would also work well, so feel free to pick your favourite.

Its simple to make, looks so pretty and is perfect to have as a starter or brunch, enjoyed with a crisp glass of sparkling elderflower or a cheeky Prosecco with a little dash of your homemade elderflower cordial, it is a wonderful dish to enjoy with anyone in the garden in glorious sunshine.

It is a little bit of a pain podding and peeling the broad beans, but they are in season and so delicious this time of the year that it is worth the effort. If you wanted to make this at another time of the year or just couldn’t be faffed to do this, why not blanch some frozen soya beans, they are so similar, they are good for you and I adore them as they are a little sweeter than broad beans.

Well I had better go and add the finishing touches to the lunch table and I hope you are all having a lovely day where ever you are, what ever you are doing and what ever you are eating. Enjoy !

Buon appetito


Serves: 8

300g podded broad beans
200-250g salad (rocket, pea shoots and edible flowers)
1 loaf sourdough bread
2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
1 lemon, zest
2 x 200g packs burrata or buffalo mozzarella, drained and torn


2 tbsp elderflower cordial
2 tsp white wine vinegar
2½ tbsp extra virgin olive oil


Blanch the broad beans in boiling water for 2-4 minutes (depending on their size); drain and cool. Peel off the outer skins, unless the beans are small and sweet, in which case you can leave them on.

Make the dressing by mixing all the ingredients in a jug; season and set aside. Put the salad in a bowl with the broad beans.

Heat a griddle pan over the highest heat. Cut the sourdough into 1.5cm-thick slices and griddle on both sides, until charred. Drizzle with the oil, grate over the lemon zest and season with sea salt.

Arrange the toasts on a big platter or individual plates and top with the torn burrata or mozzarella. Toss the salad and broad beans with the elderflower dressing and pile on top.
