If you are a regular to the blog you will already be aware that even though I am completely obsessed with cake I do try to balance my love with a healthy balanced diet, where possible I try to eat cleanly and Hubby and I are currently trying to lose a little weight, so I felt that it was time to balance the last two cake posts with something a little more healthy.

This dish is extremely simple, great for a midweek dinner served with some seasonal veg but also would be great as a brunch on its own or if made with little sweet potatoes it would be a nice starter, just remember to alter your cooking times if using smaller potatoes, you don’t want them burnt to a crisp.

It is extremely filling and really full of flavour and wonderful textures. You get a lovely crunch and heat from the kale, its a little like crispy sea weed, the sweet potato and hummus are soft, smooth and cooling and then there is the added sweet tanginess from the yummy caramelised onion chutney, its really lovely and I look forward to making it a regular family dish.

Well ironically I must dash, I have a gorgeous Lemon Feather Cake to finish, well, you knew cake wouldn’t be far away, but as I always say, everything in moderation.

Buon appetito


Serves 4

4 x 400g sweet potatoes
2 tablespoons sea salt flakes
100g baby kale leaves
½ teaspoon dried chilli flakes
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
Sea salt and cracked black pepper
1 cup (260g) store-bought hummus (we used low fat)
¼ cup (70g) store-bought caramelised onion chutney

Preheat oven to 200°C.

Place the sweet potatoes on an oven tray, pierce with a fork and rub with the salt. Bake for 1 hour–1 hour and 10 minutes or until cooked through.

While the sweet potatoes are cooking, place the kale, chilli, oil salt and pepper on a large oven tray lined with non-stick baking paper and toss to combine. Cook for 8–10 minutes or until golden and crispy. Set aside to cool.

Halve the sweet potatoes and top with the hummus, caramelised onion chutney and crispy kale to serve.