So after the last post going on a little I bring you something short and sweet. If my romantic ramblings about Autumn left you unmoved and you are not yet ready to leave Summer behind and embrace the new season I bring to you something a little fresher and lighter to enjoy. Yes this Blue Cheese Tart with Roasted Garlic is another Donna Hay recipe, yes I know I have already gone on a little about being a big fan but her recipes are just so fabulously simple and perfect for those busy days when you still want to enjoy great food but just don’t have the hours in the day to create something.

These lovely Blue Cheese Tarts are a mixture of textures and flavours, you get the tang and strength of the fabulous blue cheese (my favourite), the smoothness of the ricotta and then the crunch from the puff pastry, dished up with roasted sweet potatoes and kale like we enjoyed ours you have a filling and hearty dish that leaves you not noticing the lack of meat (I know there are those of you that will cry, ‘but wheres the meat’), but trust me, you really don’t miss it.

If you made them a little smaller they would make a great starter and you know that I am going to say that with a crisp glass of white wine, a little side salad they would make a great lunch.

So I will shut up now, after all, I did promise to keep it short and sweet.

Buon appetito

Blue Cheese Tart with Roasted Garlic

Serves 4

1 sheet store-bought puff pastry, cut into 4 squares
1 cup (200g) ricotta
75g blue cheese, crumbled
½ cup sage leaves
sea salt and cracked black pepper
1 egg, beaten, for glazing
1 bulb roasted garlic
50g spinach leaves
1 cup chervil leaves
Sherry vinegar and extra virgin olive oil, to serve

Preheat oven to 200°C.

Place the pastry squares on an oven tray lined with non-stick baking paper.

Using a small, sharp knife, score a 1cm border onto each pastry square.

Divide the ricotta between the squares and top with the blue cheese and sage leaves. Sprinkle the tarts with salt and pepper.

Brush the border of the pastry with the egg and cook for 15–20 minutes or until puffed and golden.

Squeeze the garlic from its skin onto the tarts and top with the baby spinach and chervil.

Drizzle with the sherry vinegar and oil to serve.
