Yes I am back already, I did warn you that this bed rest malarkey bored me silly and I am enjoying doing something productive whist laying here. I would however like to point out that any errors or spelling mistakes I am completely and utterly blaming on medication and not just my stupidity, LOL! Well, any excuse is a good excuse 😉

So I bring to you another cake recipe, I know, your not surprised, its a well known fact that I just love cake and whilst laying here I have pinned some really fabulous ones on Pinterest, so I am sure there will be many more to come, but this Passionfruit Curd Cake I made a little while ago for Luca and he absolutely loved it, so I thought that I had better get it onto the blog for him.

This is a very simple and quick cake, very few ingredients, very few instructions but results in a fairly unique cake that I truly thought wasn’t going to work but ended up surprising me. You just have to trust in the recipe.

It is another one of those cakes that can be served as a dessert with lashings of freshly whipped cream and maybe some fresh passion fruit or quite simply just on its own with a nice cup of tea. You can take the time and make your own curd or cheat like I did and buy it already made. There is also no reason why you shouldn’t try other flavoured curds, as I always say, make the recipe your own and to your taste.

passionfruit curd

I brought this gorgeous passionfruit curd from Ocado and Luca and I not only enjoyed it in the cake but also rather greedily scraped the jar clean. I do love a good curd. My Nan makes the best lemon curd, I really must give it a go sometime.

Anyway, I must go, Olly has just rather kindly brought me a cup of tea and I shall go and enjoy that whilst thinking about what else I can do laying here and allows me to completely avoid the dreaded daytime TV.

Buon appetito


passionfruit curd cake

1 1/2 cups plain flour
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 cup raw sugar
125g butter, melted
3 large eggs
2 tablespoons milk
zest of 1 lemon
1 cup passionfruit curd


Preheat oven to 180C. Grease and line an 8 inch round cake tin with baking paper.

Combine flour, baking powder, salt and sugar in a large bowl. Mix to combine. Add eggs, milk, lemon zest and melted butter. Beat with an electric mixer for a couple of minutes until smooth and creamy. The cake batter at this stage will be quick dense and thick.

Spoon into prepared cake tin. Top with passionfruit curd and gently using a spoon, swirl and mix the curd in the batter until just mixed.

Bake in pre heated oven for approximately 50 minutes until golden and risen.

Allow to cool and serve warm with a dusting of icing sugar or extra lashings of the passionfruit curd.

passionfruit curd cake