I though I would continue the savoury theme with these delicious fresh and clean tasting Ricotta Tarts with Mint and Three-Pea Salad, I am a little late bringing this recipe to the blog, due to the laptop charger melt down I was unable to post this when we first made it, but better late than never and even though I much prefer to use things seasonally these vegetables are always available in the Supermarket if you fancy giving it a try and at least it will be on the blog ready for next Spring !

Again this dish is incredibly easy, using pre-prepared pastry sheets and sublime ricotta filling, these tarts are ideal for an easy dinner, make a great starter or a lovely fresh brunch dish, which you just know would be perfect with a crisp glass of white wine. The salad garnish of cooling mint, zesty lemon and delicately sweet peas, plucked freshly from their pods, adds plenty of flavour.

Just one thing that I will mention, we found the vast amount of ricotta just a little too much, so next time we will be using less, but again this is down to personally preference and you can use as much or as little as you like.

I found this recipe in the free ‘Waitrose Kitchen’ magazine that you can pick up in store. I grab it every month and always end up making lots of gorgeous new recipes, its a great way to find out what is in season and there is always great articles on other produce and products. Its free, what do you have to lose !

Buon appetito


Serves: 6 (makes two tarts)

320g sheet all butter puff pastry
1 egg, lightly beaten, for glazing
300g sugar snap peas, trimmed
150g podded peas
500g ricotta
1 tsp lemon zest
20g finely grated parmigiano reggiano
1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
1 tbsp lemon juice
10g small mint leaves
20g pea shoots

Preheat the oven to 200°C, gas mark 6. Unroll the pastry and cut in 1⁄2 to make two sheets roughly 15cm x 23cm; lay both on a parchment-lined baking sheet. Using a sharp knife, score 1.5cm borders around the edges of the pastry sheets, taking care not to cut all the way through. Pierce the centres with a fork and brush lightly all over with the beaten egg. Bake for 15-20 minutes, until puffed up and golden. Set aside to cool, then gently press down the centres of each with a fork.


While the pastry is cooking, blanch the sugar snaps and peas in a pan of boiling water for 1-2 minutes. Drain and refresh in cold water until cool; cut the sugar snaps in half lengthways, pat dry on kitchen paper and set both aside.


Put the ricotta, lemon zest and parmesan in a large bowl. Season and mix well to combine. Spoon the ricotta mixture into the centres of the tart cases and smooth the top.

To make the salad, put the sugar snaps, peas, oil, lemon juice and mint in a bowl. Season and gently toss to combine. Top the tart with the salad, pea shoots and a sprinkle more salt just before serving.
