Recipes are coming thick and fast at the moment and I am trying to be really good and get them onto the blog as soon as I can, I have so much ‘Diana’s House’ work to do that it all becomes a bit of a juggle, but when recipes are as good as this Chorizo Pan Lasagne, I just know that I have to take the time out and get it typed up. Some recipes are just to good to lose !

Now this dish we felt was a bit of an odd one, never before have I cooked a lasagne on the hob, lasagne to me is ‘al forno’, baked and it really went against the grain using a Spanish meat in a very traditional Italian dish, but putting my food snobbery to one side I have to say that this is truly one of the best lasagnes that I have ever eaten.

Also there is no tricky béchamel to make, just mozzarella and parmesan which creates the sauce, again I was rather skeptical, but this is a Donna Hay recipe and I just should of had more faith.

Chorizo Pan Lasagne is rich, hearty and warming and just perfect for the cooler days and now the nights are beginning to close in, it is such a warm and welcoming dish to come home to. The sauce bubbles away, cooking the fresh lasagne sheets to perfection, no hard, dry crispy bits to worry about here and the taste is just out of this world.

You may be thinking its quite a lot of prep and grating mozzarella is not the nicest or easiest thing to do, but it really is worth it and we didn’t have a mincer, so Hubby just very finely chopped it and to be honest I really liked the texture.

This was a hit with everyone and I can not wait to have it again, also I really want to make it for my Son Stephen as he will just love it.

Buon appetito

Chorizo Pan Lasagne

Serves 4–6.

½ tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
1 onion, finely chopped
2 cloves garlic, crushed
4 x 100g dried firm chorizo, cases removed and processed into mince
1 teaspoon dried chilli flakes
2 x 400g cans crushed tomatoes
¾ cup (180ml) water
sea salt and cracked black pepper
3 fresh lasagne sheets, trimmed to fit
1 cup basil leaves
3 cups (300g) grated mozzarella
1½ cups (120g) finely grated parmesan


Heat the oil in a 22cm (2-litre) ovenproof non-stick frying pan over high heat.

Add the onion, garlic and chorizo and cook for 10 minutes.

Add the chilli, tomatoes, water, salt and pepper. Bring to the boil and cook for 5 minutes. Transfer to a bowl.

Return 1 cup of the sauce to the frying pan and spread evenly.

Begin layering with with 1 lasagne sheet, ⅓ of the remaining sauce, ⅓ of the basil and ⅓ of the combined cheeses. Repeat the layering with remaining ingredients, finishing with cheese.

Place the pan over medium heat until the sauce begins to bubble. Reduce the heat to low and cover. Cook for 25–30 minutes or until cooked through.

Preheat a grill to high heat. Grill for 2–3 minutes or until the cheese is golden.

Serve with your favourite bread and side salad of choice.

Chorizo Pan Lasagne