My Hubby loves to cook just as much as I do, he is an absolutely wonderful cook and I feel very blessed. One of his favourite chefs is Jamie Oliver and he has nearly everyone of his cookery books and I have just brought him Jamie’s latest book, ‘ Everyday Super Food’ and we are also currently enjoying the series that accompanies this book.

Now even genius’s make mistakes, on this occasion I am not sure if it is Jamie and the recipe is wrong in the book, or is it Hubby and he just didn’t make the tacos right, but Hubby found that the measurements for the taco dough just was not enough, he ended up with only enough to make two very tiny tacos and with the large amount of other ingredients it just was not going to work out, so I have doubled the ingredients below, just for the tacos and I hope that it works out ok. If we make them again I will just check the recipe and will amend if required. Please feel free to leave a comment below if you try this recipe and have any issues.

All that aside, this is a fabulous dish, extremely healthy, amazing colours, fantastic textures and most importantly of all, mind blowing flavour. We did wonder how cooked kiwi blended into a salsa would taste but I have to say that it compliments the fish so well, it lifts it and does not over power it.

It is great when Chefs like Jamie do a show or bring out a cookery book that just makes eating healthy so simple, using everyday ingredients, balancing all your daily nutritional requirements and still managing to keep the calories down is a God send and I hope to bring you many more fabulous recipes from the book, but if you are looking to make a change to your diet I can highly recommend that you go out and buy this book for yourself.

Now all I need is restaurants and coffee shops to follow suit, some of us would love to go out for dinner without the calorie overload ! I must however just big up a new coffee shop that I have found, Harris + Hoole, surprisingly owned by Tesco, I had the most amazing pit stop in their Broadbridge Heath branch and was most pleased to find healthy, paleo snacks, I had the most yummiest Banana Jack ever and I think this will now have to be a regular stopping point in my trips to Sussex.

So please let me know how you all get on with the recipe and…

Buon appetito


Fish Tacos with Kiwi Salsa

Serves 2

Calories 418

200 g plain wholemeal flour
2 ripe kiwi fruit
4 spring onions
1 fresh jalapeño or green chilli
1 bunch of fresh coriander , (30g)
2 limes
Tabasco chipotle sauce
¼ of a small red cabbage , (150g)
1 tablespoon red wine vinegar
½ an orange
1 red or yellow pepper
2 x 120g fillets of firm white fish, such as haddock, skin on, scaled and pin-boned, from sustainable sources
olive oil
2 tablespoons natural yoghurt

In a bowl, mix the flour and a pinch of sea salt with 120ml of water to form a dough. Knead for a couple of minutes, then put aside. Peel the kiwi fruit, cut in half and put into a large dry non-stick frying pan on a medium heat with the green halves of the spring onions and the deseeded chilli. Lightly scald it all, turning every now and again, then place in a blender with half the coriander, the juice of 1 lime and a few shakes of chipotle Tabasco. Blitz until smooth, then taste and season to perfection.

kiwi salsa

Very finely slice the red cabbage, ideally on a mandolin (use the guard!) or a food processor, if you do not have either, just cut thinly with a sharp knife, scrunch with the remaining coriander leaves and the vinegar and orange juice, then season to perfection.

red cabbage

To make your tacos, divide the dough into four balls and roll out each one thinly. Cook each through in a non-stick pan for just 1 minute on each side until soft, turning when you see bubbles. Cover with a tea towel to keep warm.


Slice up the whites of the spring onions. Deseed the pepper and cut into 1cm dice. Slice the fish into 2cm strips, then toss with the spring onion, pepper and 1 tablespoon of oil. Return the pan you used for your tacos to a high heat and cook the fish mixture for around 4 minutes, or until the fish is cooked through and lightly golden. Divide the yoghurt, fish and veg between your warm tacos. Serve with the dressed red cabbage,salsa and lime wedges for squeezing over.
