We have been very lucky to be having a really gorgeous September so far, the last couple of days have been real stunners and it has given me a great opportunity to get out into the countryside and forage, something that anyone that knows me knows that I just love to do. I absolutely love autumn, it has to be my favourite season of all, you still get fantastic sunny days, but its not to hot to do anything, the colours are amazing and the hedgerows just offer up so many lovely things to eat.

This is our first autumn in Edenbridge and I have been so happy to find on my doorstep an abundance of elderberries, blackberries, hawthorn, rosehips, rowan and sloes, out have come all my countryside bibles and jam, booze and cordial making has commenced.

Of course as soon as the first frost has come I will be out there collecting sloes for Hubby’s traditional slow gin, Christmas would not be Christmas without it, but for now, while I wait for Jack Frost I am more than content to be collecting berries galore for many other goodies.

As you know I have already made chia jam and have stocked the freezer with blackberries, but as the other stunning berries burst in to glorious ripeness I have collected a stunning mix to create a ‘Keep Well Syrup’, full of natural goodness and packed full of Vitamin C, this is a versatile little syrup that will help keep at bay all of those nasty coughs and colds as winter approaches.

Its delicious and can be taken straight from the spoon just like a cough syrup, but works equally as well as a cordial and if you choose to add the spices would be fab with hot water, great on a cold day when you are feeling a little under the weather and need something soothing. If however you fancy something a little more grown up, why not add a little to gin or Prosecco, the colour would make a fabulous Christmas tipple.

So as the days draw in, keep warm and keep well.

Buon appetito

PS : This would make a great homemade gift to take to a dinner party or for a Christmas hamper.


500g mixed hedgerow fruits (see list in post)
Grated rind of 1/2 lemon
500ml boiling water
Granulated Sugar (I used golden as it is healthier)
Spices – these are optional but I recommend 1cinnamon stick, 2 all-spice berries and 3 to 4 cloves if you light them, which I don’t, I absolutely loath them !)

Note : you could add orange zest and if you don’t fancy foraging, could always try making this with cranberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackcurrants and strawberries from the supermarket.

You will also need a jelly bag or as our Nonna’s would of done, some sort of homemade contraption to strain the berries…


You can’t beat an upturned stool and lots of string 😉

Wash your fruit thoroughly, removing any debris or small bugs that may have come along for the ride. Give them a quick blitz in a food processor, just to start to release the juices. If you do not have a food processor I am sure a good press down with a potato masher will work just as well.


Place the fruits into a large pan along with the grated lemon rind and your chosen spices, add the boiling water. Cover the pan with a lid, bring back to the boil, reduce heat to a simmer and leave for 10 minutes.


Remove from the heat and allow the mixture to cool.

Pour into your jelly bag/homemade contraption and leave to drain for several hours. I always leave mine overnight.

Measure your liquid, then return it to your saucepan. For every 500ml of juice you will need to add 500g of sugar, hence why I didn’t give measurements above ! Heat gently until the sugar has dissolved, pour into sterilised bottles and seal.

Keep opened bottles in the fridge and use within a week of opening.

Will store up to 3 months.


Recipe taken from….
